Could you send the complete log file to me?
phenix comes with all libraries needed, including a complete Python. The error is probably due to a conflict with some other Python-based application.
Quick guess: unset PYTHONHOME before running the phenix installer.

From: Katherine Sippel <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 4:15:21 PM
Subject: [phenixbb] Binary Installation failure on Ubuntu

Hi all,

I am trying to install the latest nightly build (dev-694) using the Kernel 2.6 (64-bit; Fedora Core 3) binary. The OS is Ubuntu 10.10 installed as a dual boot through Wubi.

I get as far as configuring PHENIX components at which point it heaves out a binary.log file. I can send the whole file to anyone whose interested but it's a bit too large for the bb. The juicy bit is as follows...

Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
ImportError: No module named site

How can I determine which libraries are missing?

Thanks for any help you can provide,
