What is the best way to convert phases obtained from phenix to a usable cns format? I have 3.6 A maps that were SAD phased and density modified using phenix. I now want to use some of the cns refinement options - like torsion angle refinement. I tried converting structure factors and HL coefficients to cns format using phenix.reflection_file_converter, but when I run cns input files, I start getting errors like the ones shown below (this is from density_modify.inp): _____ Program version= 1.2 File version= 1.2 %XMAPASU-AUTOmem: increasing memory allocation to 2000000 Minimum brick that covers asymmetric unit: A= 0,..., 150 B= 0,..., 150 C= 0,..., 36 Sum of 21042 elements = 21042.0000 SHOW: average of 810150 elements= 0.0000 ANOMalous=FALSe {OFF} XMPST: average = 0.0000 minimum = 0.0000 maximum = 0.0000 XMPST: r.m.s. = 0.0000 norm = 0.0000 XMHISTO: (default from map) RHOMIN and RHOMAX = 0.0000 0.0000 %XMHISTO-ERR: a complete flat map. XMHISTO: (default from map) SLOT width = 0.000000 %XMHISTO-ERR: the SLOT width is too small 0.00000 XMHISTO: the number of slots MBINS=10000 and width SLOT= 0.0000 %XDOTYPE-ERR: Variable/type mismatch: do (masksol=1) (real(automap) <= $cutoff) ^ %DO-ERR: Data type mismatch. Selection must be a logical expression.: do (masksol=1) (real(automap) <= $cutoff) ^ %SHOW error encountered: There were errors in DO expression. (CNS is in mode: SET ABORT=NORMal END) ***************************************************** ABORT mode will terminate program execution. ***************************************************** Program will stop immediately. ______ I'm guessing that the problem has to do with the way I am converting the data to cns (since I have beautiful maps from phenix), but I'm really stuck right now. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks, Sean Johnson -- Sean Johnson, PhD R. Gaurth Hansen Assistant Professor Utah State University Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 0300 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-0300 (435) 797-2089 (435) 797-3390 (fax) [email protected]