Re: [phenixbb] input sharp phases into phenix.autosol

Hi Michael, If I understand correctly, you want to take a file that has experimental phases, density modify it, and autobuild a model. Plus you want to take the inverse hand of the phases and do the same thing. For the first part you have two easy options: phenix.autobuild my_exptl_phases.mtz my_seq.dat ha_file=my_ha_file phenix.build_model my_exptl_phases.mtz my_seq.dat ha_file=my_ha_file These do more or less the same thing, but build_model is a lot faster (but not quite as good), and requires version 1.6.2-242 or higher. For phases from sharp, you will want to specify the columns of data to be used for FP SIGFP PHIB FOM HLA HLB HLC HLD for each method above. (The way to specify these are different in the two methods. For autobuild you just list the column labels to be used for the above items with labels="myFP mySIGFP myPHIB myFOM myHLA myHLB myHLC myHLD", and for build_model you specify a regular labin line: labin="FP=myFP SIGFP=mySIGFP...etc" For the second part, flipping the hand of a file with experimental phases...I am not sure if we have a tool for that. Perhaps someone else can comment. All best, Tom T
I hope what I want to do is not considered a crime :-) Is there a way to input phases e.i. from sharp into phenix.autosol (preferably the command line version) to run resolve with both hands and autobuild for a SAD or SIRAS case?
Thanks! Michael _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected]

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote: These do more or less the same thing, but build_model is a lot faster (but
not quite as good), and requires version 1.6.2-242 or higher. Minor correction: requires version 1.6.2-432 (the one and only official
installer for 1.6.2). The build numbers are mostly for internal tracking,
and people using the nightlies.

For the second part, flipping the hand of a file with experimental phases...I am not sure if we have a tool for that. Perhaps someone else can comment.
Hi Michael, Do you just want to flip the hand of the coordinates? Here is something from the earliest days of phenix: If you have a PDB file and the web server gets confused you may have to edit out the left-most columns, leaving only the xyz coordinates. Note: in most space groups (but not all) you just have to flip the sign of the coordinates. Ralf

Hi Everyone, just a quick notice: the most recent version of PHENIX has an option for electron density map sharpening which might be important for low resolution maps improvement. This is available from the command line phenix.maps and from the GUI as well. Please let me know if you have any questions. The optimal B-factor sharpening value is determined automatically although the user can provide his/her own value. The above tools allow you to compute any amount of maps, so I would recommend computing at least two: regular amp and B-factors sharpened. This is a new option so I would appreciate any feedback from those who got interested and tried it. Please let me know any bugs (should you find any) or any suggestions. Pavel.
participants (4)
Nathaniel Echols
Pavel Afonine
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
Thomas C. Terwilliger