Please attend a workshop on Measurement and Interpretation of Diffuse Scattering in X-Ray Diffraction for Macromolecular Crystallography

Driven by recent advances in this field we will hold a workshop to discuss it. The workshop will be on Monday, May 15, 2017 at Brookhaven Nat'l Laboratory, and will be affiliated with the 2017 Users' Meeting for NSLS-II and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials. The current draft agenda is on-line here: Registration for the Workshop and Users' Meeting is here: A description of the workshop is below. The Organizers: Robert Sweet (NSLS-II, BNL), Michael Wall (LANL), Nozomi Ando (Princeton University), James S. Fraser (University of California, San Francisco), George N. Phillips, Jr. (Rice University) For answers to questions, please contact Wall: [email protected] or Sweet: [email protected] Description: X-ray diffraction from macromolecular crystals includes both sharply peaked Bragg reflections and diffuse intensity between the peaks. The information in Bragg scattering reflects the mean electron density in the unit cells of the crystal. The diffuse scattering arises from correlations in the variations of electron density that may occur from one unit cell to another, and therefore contains information about collective motions in proteins. A major focus of the workshop will be to provide a roadmap to the acquisition of reliable data by surveying measurement methods and discussing the increase in measurement accuracy enabled by improved detectors, experimental methods, and data integration. Missing from recent results is real information about the behavior of the molecules being studied that would guide the thinking of biochemists and biologists. To discuss these and their relative merits will be a second major focus of the workshop. The charge to this workshop will be to provide a roadmap to efforts that will provide the biological understanding we believe is hidden in the data. ========================================================================= Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: [email protected] Deputy Director, LSBR: The Life Science and ^ (that's L Biomedical Technology Research Center at NSLS-II not 1) Photon Sciences and Biology Dept Office and mail, Bldg 745, a.k.a. LOB-5 Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones: Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office) U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile) =========================================================================
participants (1)
Robert Sweet