Announcement - NSLS-II Early-Science Workshop for NIH-funded beamlines

Sent on behalf of the Workshop Organizing Committee The NIH-funded ABBIX structural biology beamlines at the NSLS-II are approaching completion, delivering two crystallography and one scattering beamline for biological sciences. The performance of these beamlines will present opportunities previously unattainable at synchrotron light sources, creating challenges for data collection and scientific discovery. The beamlines will provide a photon-beam flux density at least five orders of magnitude greater than that achievable at the NSLS, and orders of magnitude greater than that achievable today at any synchrotron light source. Participation in the first science undertaken at these beamlines represents a unique opportunity for scientists to help deliver on their potential. We are organizing a workshop at BNL, to occur on Jan. 28-29, 2015, to help define and develop further the priorities for the scientific commissioning of these beamlines and their entry into routine operation. Interested participants will be able to present and discuss their vision for the early science case for each beamline, thereby helping to shape the international scene for structural biology. Find workshop information at, including a draft agenda and an opportunity to register and submit an abstract.
participants (1)
Robert Sweet