Exciting post-doc position available on DNA transcription and conjugation at the ALBA synchrotron

Dear fellow structural biologists, I would appreciate it if you could forward this message to anyone that might be interested. We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated early-career postdoc to study the structural aspects of auxin-dependent transcription regulation in plants, and/or plasmid conjugation in gram-positive bacteria at the ALBA synchrotron (Barcelona, Spain). The project is a continuation of the research lines of a highly successful research group, including publications in Cell (10.1016/j.cell.2013.12.027), Nature Communications (10.1038/s41467-020-16032-y), Nucleic Acids Research (10.1093/nar/gkaa540 and 10.1093/nar/gky996), Nature Plants (10.1038/s41477-020-0662-y) and PNAS (10.1073/pnas.2009554117). At the ALBA synchrotron, exciting times lie ahead for structural biologists. Recently, a new EM facility has been built and is being commissioned at the moment. In addition, an upgrade of the storage ring will come to fruition in the coming 5-10 years. Furthermore, a microfocus beamline is under construction that will be open to friendly users in the year to come. These instruments will complement the macromolecular crystallography, SAXS, infrared microscopy and X-ray microscopy beamlines currently in operation. The facility is located near Barcelona, which is a great city to live and work. For inquiries, please contact me at [email protected]. To apply, please check the following page: https://public.cells.es/jobs/#!/jobs/postdoctoral-researcher-position-mineco... Best, Roeland. -- https://www.albasynchrotron.es/en/ Roeland Boer XALOC beamline- Experiments Division ALBA SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE Carrer de la Llum 2-26 | 08290 | Cerdanyola del Vallès| Barcelona | Spain https://www.albasynchrotron.es/en/about/coming-to-alba (+34) 93 592 4333 www.albasynchrotron.es http://www.albasynchrotron.es| [email protected] mailto:[email protected] | legal notice https://www.albasynchrotron.es/en/about/legal-notice / avís legal https://www.sincrotroalba.cat/ca/que-es-alba/avis-legal / aviso legal https://www.sincrotronalba.es/es/que-es-alba/aviso-legal **Please, do not print this e-mail unless it is absolutely necessary. **Si heu rebut aquest correu per error, us informo que pot contenir informació confidencial i privada i que està prohibit el seu ús. Us agrairíem que ho comuniqueu al remitent i l'elimineu. Gràcies. Si ha recibido este correo por error, le informo de que puede contener información confidencial y privada y que está prohibido su uso. Le agradeceré que lo comunique a su remitente y lo elimine. Gracias. If you have received this e-mail in error, please note that it may contain confidential and private information, therefore, the use of this information is strictly forbidden. Please inform the sender of the error and delete the information received. Thank you.
participants (1)
Roeland Boer