Today is the last day to register for the SSRL/LCLS User Meeting

Dear Phenixbb: Today is the last day to register for the SSRL/LCLS User Meeting that starts on Monday. It is free and virtual. The poster session runs 12 - 1 PM Pacific Time M-Th. You use the gathertown software to attend it. Navigation of the poster session is like playing a 1990s computer game. I was on the poster judging team. We spent this week judging the posters virtually. We made our selections of the seven poster prize finalists today. All of the semifinalist posters were excellent. Best regards, Blaine SSRL UEC member and past chair. Blaine Mooers, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine Director of the Laboratory of Biomolecular Structure and Function Academic Director, Biomolecular Structure Core, COBRE in Structural Biology Full Member, Cancer Biology Program, Stephenson Cancer Center University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Mailing Address: 975 NE 10th Street, BRC 466 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5419 Office: 405-271-8300 Lab: 405-271-8312 Websites: Faculty page: BSC-OKC (LBSF): COBRE in Structural Biology:
participants (1)
Mooers, Blaine H.M. (HSC)