Hello all I am working with a 3.0 A dataset, which binds with cAMP. I have refined the dataset with phenix (TLS+Group_adp) and followed by weight optimization. Though cAMP fit well in the density, validation tools (molprobity, procheck) suggest the bond angles and bond lengths of ligand of completely refined model is very bad(100% bad). Can anyone suggest what could be the problem with model or refinement? I will appreciate the suggestions. Thanks in advance John

Hi John,
I am working with a 3.0 A dataset, which binds with cAMP. I have refined the dataset with phenix (TLS+Group_adp) and followed by weight optimization. Though cAMP fit well in the density, validation tools (molprobity, procheck) suggest the bond angles and bond lengths of ligand of completely refined model is very bad(100% bad). Can anyone suggest what could be the problem with model or refinement? I will appreciate the suggestions.
What is the residue name of the ligand in your pdb file? Did you check if the corresponding monomer library .cif file is the correct one for your ligand? -- Sometimes the same 3-character residue name is used for (slightly) different ligands by different people. The next thing to check are the molprobity and procheck definitions for your ligand. My guess is that the monomer library definition used by phenix.refine isn't compatible with what molprobity and procheck expect. To find the .cif file used by phenix.refine: phenix.where_mon_lib_list_cif This will show a path ending with .../mon_lib/list/mon_lib_list.cif If your ligand code is e.g. AMP, look for the file .../mon_lib/a/AMP.cif Ralf

Hi John,
I am working with a 3.0 A dataset, which binds with cAMP. I have refined the dataset with phenix (TLS+Group_adp) and followed by weight optimization.
- Did you refine the individual coordinates as well (it is not clear from what you are saying above)? The refinement of TLS and group B-factors only ("TLS+Group_adp") will obviously not change the coordinates. - Also, can you have a look at .geo file to find out how badly the actual bond and angle values deviate from the ideal targets for that particular ligand? If the deviations are not bad, then it is very likely that Molprobity "thinks" of something different when it "looks" at your ligand. Pavel.
participants (3)
Jhon Thomas
Pavel Afonine
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve