AsCA 12/CRYSTAL 28 Conference and the Bragg Symposium - Early Bird Registration closes this weekend

Dear All, Early bird registrations for the Asian Crystallography Association Conference and the Bragg Symposium close this Saturday. You can register for one or both events. **** ** ** The one-day Bragg Symposium on Thursday the 6th of December may be of particular interest as it will specifically address the scientific and historical aspects associated with the centenary of Lawrence Bragg’s explanation of X-ray diffraction. ** ** To register, visit: **** ** ** Kind regards to read this newsletter in your browser click here**** [image: cid:[email protected]]**** AsCA 12/CRYSTAL 28 *Conference Newsletter***** Volume 1, May 2012**** Invitation to attend**** *A Joint Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA), ** Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (SCANZ) and the BRAGG Symposium, * November 2012 marks the centenary of the founding of X-ray crystallography by Lawrence Bragg, a field in which he and his father, William, made pre-eminent contributions that were recognised by the award of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1915. William was the Elder Professor of Physics at the University of Adelaide from 1886 to 1909 and Lawrence was born and educated in Adelaide.**** To celebrate this important anniversary, the legacy of the Braggs’ discoveries in X-ray crystallography and the insights that they have provided into the structure of matter, a combined scientific meeting of the Asian Crystallography Association and the Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand is to be held in Adelaide from the 2nd to 5th of December 2012. The Conference will be followed by the Bragg Symposium at the University of Adelaide on the 6th of December 2012 that will explore some of the historical context and personal links to the Braggs' work as well as present some of the broader scientific and social impacts of the Braggs' work. The Conference and Symposium will have a strong line-up of national and international speakers.**** Call for Abstracts**** For more information and online abstract submissions please click here:**** Online Registration:**** For more information on online registration and accommodation bookings please click here: **** **** Conference Secretariat**** [image: cid:[email protected]]**** *sapmea* Unit 12 202 Glen Osmond Rd Fullarton SA 5063 Phone: (08) 8274 6059 Fax: (08) 8274 6000 [email protected]**** ** ** ** **
participants (1)
John Bruning