Dear all, A new access modality has now been open in iNEXT (http://www.inext-eu.org http://www.inext-eu.org/) "From macromolecular sample to X-ray data collection” This novel access modality, hosted at the EMBL Hamburg and Grenoble Units, will provide transnational access to hands-on assistance for sample characterization and crystallization trials, leading to structural data via X-ray crystallography and/or solution small angle scattering. The users are expected to have a macromolecular sample that has already underwent some initial characterisation, and ideally to have performed initial crystallisation trials with promising results. If users cannot obtain such data in their home laboratory, they can first request a 'Structural Audit' via iNEXT. This modality can provide a report that can be automatically included to this application for pushing the project forward towards obtaining more extensive structural data. Successful "Structural Audits" will be fast-tracked towards extended support via this or other modalities. Please do note, that a small proportion of iNEXT access modalities is also open for non-European users, other than the countries listed in our web site. We also want to remind you that most iNEXT access modalities are now open: Structural Audit (sample mail-in for quality assessment for structural biology studies or SAXS-only characterisation) Mail-in characterization of a macromolecular sample, including stability, oligomeric state, crystallization and SAXS; also NMR and negative stain EM for suitable samples. Enhanced Support (Dedicated expert help for specific structural biology projects) From macromolecular sample to X-ray data collection Hands-on assistance for sample characterization and extensive crystallization trials, leading to structural data via crystallography solution and/or small angle scattering. Cryo-EM sample optimisation Hands-on assistance in optimizing a sample for single particle EM; a good quality preliminary characterization by negative stain is the minimal entry point. Macromolecular interactions Hands-on assistance for quantifying the steady state and transient kinetics underlying macromolecular interactions, by fluorescence methods, MALLS, SPR, ITC, MST High-end Data Collection (For experts: access to high-field NMR, X-ray and high-resolution EM equipment) Synchrotron data Access to synchrotron beamlines for X-ray Crystallography and/or SAXS, for translational research project(s); for single or multiple visits and research groups. High-field NMR Access for experienced NMR-scientists to visit host institutes for acquiring solution or solid state NMR spectra on high-field instruments. High-resolution EM Access to state of the art electron microscopes for single particle, tomography and correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). A specific note for synchrotron data applications: projects can request multiple visits for a combination of MX, SAXS, and remote access in multiple sites, and the access can be split in several visits. A “project” should have a scientific theme of translational value, but is not necessarily limited to a specific ’target'. Multiple macromolecules and complexes can be pooled under the same proposal, as long as the research theme can be described in a concise and consolidated manner, with clear statements about availability samples and the reasoning behind specific experiments. "Structural Audit" or "From macromolecular sample to X-ray data collection"? Structural Audit contains basic crystallisation screening, MALLS and SAXS; if you already have such data, we recommend that you proceed to the Enhanced Support. Please do note however, that labs with strong experience in the field, should preferably aim for the High-end Data Collection; these modalities are aiming to help labs new to X-ray studies. Please also note that these are not similar to the old Biostruct-X requests for access to crystallisation facilities only, but are meant to be accessed as a coherent package. Please note that "Structural Audit” review is very rapid and the experiment contains no physical presence, so the application and experiment turnover can be rapid. For questions about X-ray methods please mail me; for NMR and EM related questions please mail Hans H.L.J.Wienk.AT.uu.nl Best regards, Tassos
participants (1)
Anastassis Perrakis