Dear All, I have been struggling for while with a Molecular replacement problem for a large complex(3 proteins) with 2 copies per ASU. I have a small but 100% model for one of the components but this contributes only 12% of ASU (2 molecules) a much poorer <20% model that contributes the majority 80% of the ASU Space group is P222>P212121 best MR is in P21221. I have strong tNCS as seen in native patterson and phaser chooses this top peak in MR runs: There was 1 non-origin distinct peak (i.e. over 20% of origin peak and more than 15 angstroms from the origin) Sorted by Height ---------------- Height Distance Vector 56.0% 126.4 : FRAC +0.5000 +0.5000 +0.3500 (ORTH 63.0 88.0 65.4) Molrep also uses the same tNCS vector: --- Check Patterson for pseudo-translation --- PST_limit : 0.125 of origin peak INFO: pseudo-translation was detected. Origin Patterson peak: P,P/sig : 26479.002 239.412 1 Patterson peak : p,P/sig : 13591.399 122.888 2 Patterson peak : P,P/sig : 2506.590 22.664 3 Patterson peak : P,P/sig : 1517.345 13.719 Peak 1: trans.vector /ort/ : 62.995 88.023 65.691 trans.vector /frac/: 0.500 0.500 0.352 Peak 2: trans.vector /ort/ : 0.000 0.000 55.510 trans.vector /frac/: 0.000 0.000 0.297 Peak 3: trans.vector /ort/ : 58.238 88.023 65.730 trans.vector /frac/: 0.462 0.500 0.352 INFO: translation vector of peak 1 will be used. My question is how does this affect my MR with the smaller component? Is it exactly the same vector as the larger component? Thanks Trevor
participants (1)
Huyton, Trevor