FYI : autobuild : "refine_pdb_in.mtz is missing" etc.

here's a google-able post of a *solved problem* for the archive : phenix 1.6.4-486 (latest official release as of 21sep2010) building ends (FINISHED) with error messages (see below). some associated job setup details : phenix.autobuild with CL flag refine_eff_file_list=my_refinement_params.eff cartesian or torsion annealing, or start_temperature work OK in building/refinement. two segid's in .pdb, one chain id etc. SOLUTION : use the latest build. i used phenix-dev-533 GNU/Linux 32-bit. and thanks especially to Tom Terwilliger for the solution. [key error messages]: Failed to carry out AutoBuild_multiple_models: Sorry a subprocess has failed... Failed to carry out AutoBuild_build_cycle: Sorry...the file AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/refine_pdb_in.mtz is missing...
participants (1)
Lepore, Bryan