Fellow structural biologists - The revolution in publishing made possible by preprints calls for a re-evaluation of data disclosure practices in structural biology. While journal review processes take weeks, months, or even years, preprints allow researchers to rapidly communicate their findings to the community. However, withholding access to PDB files that accompany preprints inhibits the progress towards scientific discovery which preprints can enable. There is nothing more disappointing than reading a great preprint and not being able to open the coordinates and inspect the density! Sign the pledge to publicly release PDB files (and associated structure factor, restraint, and map files) with deposition of preprints here: https://asapbio.org/asappdb All the best, James PS> Apologies for the cross post to multiple bb's -- James Fraser - http://www.fraserlab.com - @fraser_lab [email protected] // [email protected] he/his/him (please do NOT use [email protected])
participants (1)
James Fraser