PhD / PostDoc positions @NKI Amsterdam

Dear all, We are looking for enthusiastic, motivated PhD students and Post-Docsto join the Division of Biochemistry in the Netherlands Cancer Institute ( in the groups of Tassos Perrakis and Titia Sixma. If you have a keen interest in the general field of integrative structural cell biology, and previous experience in cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography, cell biology, biochemistry, or biophysics … well, read on! The project in the laboratory of Titia Sixma ( ) is in the area of DNA repair. The projects in Anastassis (Tassos) Perrakis group ( are in the general field of controlling the progress of cell division and microtubule interacting proteins, in lysolipids signaling focusing on Autotaxin and its interactions, and together with Robbie Joosten in PDB-REDO . The Netherlands Cancer Institute is an international center of excellence with a high standard of biological research and outstanding research facilities, and has an interactive atmosphere. It is located in Amsterdam, with all its cultural amenities, close to the Schiphol airport. The two groups share a common research infrastructure in the Department of Biochemistry, and have an interest in structural studies coupled to functional analysis. Facilities include the ability to produce and purify proteins in bacterial, insect, and mammalian cells, and a well-equipped macromolecular biophysics laboratory that are sites in the Instruct Centre NL ( Equipment for structural analysis is spearheaded by a brand-new cryo-EM (Jeol F2 200kV with a K2 detector) and high-throughput crystallisation robotics; these local facilities are coupled with regular access to Krios cryo-EM at NeCEN ( , and to the ESRF, SLS and DLS synchrotrons, and access possibilities for NMR experiments ( Dedicated computing facilities include privileged access to both CPU and GPU clusters. Both groups participate in various European and National collaborative projects and are members of the Oncode Institute ( We are looking flexibly for either highly motivated PhD students (strong master-level placements in reputable laboratories and familiarity with some of the methods we outline would be strong plus) or post-docs (experience in cryo-EM would be highly desirable for most positions; candidates with a strong background and track record in X-ray crystallography, protein purification, cell biology, would be taken seriously under considerations depending on the project). For the PDB-REDO project a background in bioinformatics and some experience in computerprogramming would be necessary. Applicants should write an email, stating their specific interests and attaching a CV and names of three references to or; feel free to also make informal inquiries. We expect applications to be sent in by Monday 13th January and all positions are available asap. PhD candidate positions are for four years; post-doc positions can be for 1-4 years depending on qualifications and experience; the CAO salary levels apply according to the NKI collective agreement. Anastassis Perrakis and Titia K. Sixma
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