altloc non-bonded interactions

Is it possible to tell phenix.refine to ignore certain non-bonded interactions? I have a structure at 1.1A with some interesting sulfate molecules that refuse to refine well. I suspect two positions are alternately occupied by sulfate in some cases and two water molecules in others. I would like to refine with both (a sulfate and two waters) with each component at 1/2 occupancy. With alternate conformations of a given sidechain, the two alternate locations automatically ignore one another w.r.t. non-bonded interactions. However, different residues, it would seem, do not. Has anyone encountered a similar situation or do the phenix gurus have any input? As an alternative, can I define an alternate sulfate residue with several missing atoms? Thanks in advance, --Paul

Hi Paul,
I have a structure at 1.1A with some interesting sulfate molecules that refuse to refine well. I suspect two positions are alternately occupied by sulfate in some cases and two water molecules in others. I would like to refine with both (a sulfate and two waters) with each component at 1/2 occupancy. With alternate conformations of a given sidechain, the two alternate locations automatically ignore one another w.r.t. non-bonded interactions. However, different residues, it would seem, do not.
Could you send me the relevant parts from your pdb file? I'm having a little trouble understanding your situtation. Any atom with altloc A does not interact with any atom with altloc B, no matter what residue(s) the atoms are in. Ralf

Hi Paul,
I have a structure at 1.1A with some interesting sulfate molecules that refuse to refine well. I suspect two positions are alternately occupied by sulfate in some cases and two water molecules in others. I would like to refine with both (a sulfate and two waters) with each component at 1/2 occupancy.
you can do this in phenix.refine by assigning the same residue number to sulfate molecule and these two waters, and assign different altloc identifiers to them (say altloc A to sulfate and altloc B to waters). The rest phenix.refine will figure out automatically. The values of initial occupancies can be any. Let me know if you need more help with this. Pavel.
participants (3)
Paul Smith
Pavel Afonine
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve