Phenix error running MIR-example

Dear Developers/Users, I am getting an error while running "rh-dehalogenase-mir" example provided in the phenix example. I am using phenix 1.6.4 version. It runs properly using the command "phenix.run_example rh-dehalogenase-mir", whereas, it gives error in GUI mode. I am attaching the picture of my input and error (in the right-top corner). Please let me know the reason of this error. -- Yours Sincerely, Shankar Prasad Kanaujia Research Student C/O - Dr. K. Sekar Bioinformatics Centre, SERC Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-12 Phone - 9480258032 Office - 080-2293-3059

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:53 PM, Shankar Prasad Kanaujia
Dear Developers/Users, I am getting an error while running "rh-dehalogenase-mir" example provided in the phenix example. I am using phenix 1.6.4 version. It runs properly using the command "phenix.run_example rh-dehalogenase-mir", whereas, it gives error in GUI mode. I am attaching the picture of my input and error (in the right-top corner). Please let me know the reason of this error.
This error message shows up sporadically when it shouldn't, and I've never been able to figure out the cause (obviously a bug though). Try re-selecting the appropriate column label for each reflection file, then click "Run" again - in the past I think this has worked. I'll see if I can nail down the problem next week. -Nat
participants (2)
Nathaniel Echols
Shankar Prasad Kanaujia