phenix.fmodel: a command line tool to compute structure factors from a model (Fcalc or Fmodel).

Starting PHENIX nightly build version 1.6-295 (2010-01-27), a new command line tool phenix.fmodel is available. This is a replacement for "phenix.pdbtools --f-model" command, which is not available anymore. phenix.fmodel is a comprehensive tool to compute structure factors from a model. For more information and usage examples simply run phenix.fmodel . Pavel. P.S. Below is the result of running phenix.fmodel: phenix.fmodel: a tool to compute structure factors, Fmodel: Fmodel = scale * exp(AnisoScale) * (Fcalc + k_sol * exp(-b_sol*s^2/4) * Fmask) where: - Fmodel - total model structure factor (complex value) - AnisoScale = -ht*A(-1)*b_cart*A(-1)th/4 - h - column vector with Miller indices - A - orthogonalization matrix - b_cart - anisotropic scale matrix - t and (-1) denotes transposition and inversion operations - scale - overall scale factor - Fcalc - structure factors calculated from atomic model - k_sol and b_sol - Flat Bulk solvent model parameters - Fmask - structure factors calculated from bulk solvent mask Usage examples: 1) phenix.fmodel model.pdb high_resolution=1.5 will result in a file containing complete set of Fmodel = Fcalc computed from atomic model up to 1.5A resolution. 2) phenix.fmodel model.pdb scale=2 k_sol=0.35 b_sol=50 b_cart="1 2 3 0 4 7" high_res=1.5 low_res=10 will result in a file containing complete set of Fmodel computed using the above formula in resolution range 1.5-20.0A. 3) phenix.fmodel model.pdb high_resolution=1.5 algorithm=direct is similar to "1)" but the Fcalc are computed using direct summation algorithm. 4) phenix.fmodel model.pdb high_res=1.5 format=cns label=FOBS type=real r_free=0.1 will result in CNS formatted file containing complete set of amplitudes of Fmodel = Fcalc computed up to 1.5A resolution, labelled as FOBS, and free-R flags with 10% of test reflections. This is a typical command to simulate Fobs. 5) phenix.fmodel model.pdb high_res=1.5 scattering_table=neutron will result in a file containing complete set of Fmodel = Fcalc computed from atomic model up to 1.5A resolution using neutron scattering table. 6) phenix.fmodel model.pdb parameters.txt will result in a structure factor file, where Fmodel were computed using parameters defined in parameters.txt file. The parameters.txt file can contain all or any subset of parameters listed below. Note, that each { must have a matching one }. 7) phenix.fmodel model.pdb reflection_data.mtz will result in a file containing a set of Fmodel = Fcalc that will match the set of Miller indices of the data in reflection_data.mtz file. 8) phenix.fmodel model.pdb reflection_data.mtz data_column_label="FOBS,SIGMA" similar to "7)", where the specific data array is selected. See below for complete list of available parameters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters to compute Fmodel:: high_resolution = None low_resolution = None r_free_flags_fraction = None add_sigmas = False scattering_table = wk1995 it1992 *n_gaussian neutron data_column_label = None fmodel { k_sol = 0.0 b_sol = 0.0 b_cart = 0 0 0 0 0 0 scale = 1.0 } structure_factors_accuracy { algorithm = *fft direct cos_sin_table = False grid_resolution_factor = 1/3. quality_factor = None u_base = None b_base = None wing_cutoff = None exp_table_one_over_step_size = None } mask { use_asu_masks = True solvent_radius = 1.11 shrink_truncation_radius = 0.9 grid_step_factor = 4.0 verbose = 1 mean_shift_for_mask_update = 0.1 ignore_zero_occupancy_atoms = True ignore_hydrogens = True } output { format = *mtz cns label = FMODEL type = real *complex file_name = None } anomalous_scatterers { group { selection = None f_prime = 0 f_double_prime = 0 } }
participants (1)
Pavel Afonine