Re: [phenixbb] How to extend R-free set to higher resolution by new phenix-1.5.2

Hi PC,
I know this topic was discussed before, but I am still confused and still unable to refine my map merged from hires data because phenix.refine complains "No array of R-free flags found"
The command was used to generate a hires map. phenix.autobuild data=resolve_1.mtz \seq_file=sequence.dat maps_only=True
So, now I have "exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz", "cycle_best_1.mtz", "overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz"...several files in my autobuild folder,
What this command has done is to take the phases in resolve_1.mtz and combined them with amplitudes from and added free R flags to generate exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz . Additionally the file overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz now contains the above amplitudes along with some kind of density-modified phases. I would caution that this is probably not what you really wanted to do. Instead: Almost always you should use for "data=" a file that contains experimental phases only (not density-modified phases). So it would be better to use the command: phenix.autobuild data=phaser_1.mtz \ eq_file=sequence.dat maps_only=True which would instead density modify using hl coeffs from modify phaser_1.mtz, extending phase information to the data in . Now you will have exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz with (a) experimental amplitudes from (b) experimental phases and hl coefficients (where available) from phaser_1.mtz (c) free R flags to the full resolution of and overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz with coefficients for a density-modified map at the resolution of
How do I merge low and high resolution data by "phenix.reflection_file_editor"? What files (input and output arrays) should I choose?
I think reflection_file_editor will only copy arrays (or columns) of data,
and not merge several columns of data into one. Note that merging high
and low resolution data requires (1) a scale factor between the datasets
and (2) possibly a b-factor or anisotropic b-factor relating the two
datasets. It cannot be properly done simply by merging reflection files.
The reflection_flle_editor will add free R flags if they are missing or
extend them for you if they are present only to low resolution, however.
This allows you to take a low-res dataset with free R flags and a high-res
dataset with no free R and to transfer the existing low-res free R flags
to the high-res dataset and to extend them to full resolution.
If you want, you can use phenix.solve to scale low and high resolution
data by pretending that they are part of a mad dataset:
make a file "scale.csh" like this, after editing to match your case:
#!/bin/csh -f
cp $PHENIX/solve_resolve/ext_ref_files/c2.sym .

On Dec 12, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote:
I think reflection_file_editor will only copy arrays (or columns) of data, and not merge several columns of data into one.
Correct. Assuming you just want to combine the new data and old test set, based on what Tom said, you will need the old data file with R-free flags, and either the Scalepack file (if you want to keep your intensities, and/or you have anomalous data) or exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz (if you're happy with non-anomalous amplitudes). The output arrays should be the R-free and the new amplitudes or intensities*, which will probably be labeled 'F,SIGF' or 'i_obs,sigma' or something similar. Everything else should work automatically - the extend R-free option is on by default. If the program gives you an error, please email me (not the list!) the files and I'll see if I can figure out what is breaking. It might be worth trying the latest nightly build too (currently dev-249), because there have been many improvements and new features in that program. -Nat (* Plus Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients from experimental phasing, if you have them.) -------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]

Hi, Tom and Nat After reading your replies, I found out that I misunderstand some precesses. Your answers make it much clear. Thanks! PC
From: [email protected] Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 15:58:36 +0000 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [phenixbb] How to extend R-free set to higher resolution by new phenix-1.5.2
On Dec 12, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote:
I think reflection_file_editor will only copy arrays (or columns) of data, and not merge several columns of data into one.
Assuming you just want to combine the new data and old test set, based on what Tom said, you will need the old data file with R-free flags, and either the Scalepack file (if you want to keep your intensities, and/or you have anomalous data) or exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz (if you're happy with non-anomalous amplitudes). The output arrays should be the R-free and the new amplitudes or intensities*, which will probably be labeled 'F,SIGF' or 'i_obs,sigma' or something similar. Everything else should work automatically - the extend R-free option is on by default. If the program gives you an error, please email me (not the list!) the files and I'll see if I can figure out what is breaking. It might be worth trying the latest nightly build too (currently dev-249), because there have been many improvements and new features in that program.
(* Plus Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients from experimental phasing, if you have them.)
-------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]
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participants (3)
Nathaniel Echols
Pei-Chun Lin
Thomas C. Terwilliger