Re: [phenixbb] Autosol Feedback and questions

Hi Partha,
3. I see that phenix.refine has been used in the internal runs, I have used phenix.refine earlier. But after playing with the side chains in Coot, when I tried to use the modified pdb file and resolve.mtz, it complained about the good old Free_R flag.
Is this the MD5 error message?
However, it ran directly in Refmac. Is it a known problem or maybe I did something stupid? I could do a dry run and change the read mtz and not cns if that would solve the problem.
I'm not sure what's going wrong. To be sure, I'd need a reproducer, or at least an exact description of what happened in which order.
4. Lastly, is it possible to use multiple processors to run the job?
No, sorry. Parallelization is a big, complex project. The Cambridge group has started some work in this direction, but it is still very experimental. Ralf
participants (1)
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve