phenix.pdbtools: tools for PDB file manipulations
- List of all pdbtools keywords
phenix.pdbtools is a command line tool to perform simple maipulations on a
structure in PDB file such as:
- shaking of coordinates (adding a random shift to coordinates)
- rotation-translation shift of coordinates
- shaking of occupancies
- shaking of ADP
- shifting of ADP (adding a constant value)
- scaling of ADP (multiplying by a constant value)
- setting a value to ADP
- converting to isotropic
- converting to anisotropic
- removing selected part of a model
All operations above can be performed on a whole model or any selected part.
How to run
phenix.pdbtools is run from the command line:
% phenix.pdbtools [options] [pdb_file] [parameter_file]
To get information about command line options type:
% phenix.pdbtools
To see all default parameters:
% phenix.pdbtools --show-defaults=all
List of all pdbtools keywords
Legend: black bold - scope names
black - parameter names
red - parameter values
blue - parameter help
blue bold - scope help
Parameter values:
* means selected parameter (where multiple choices are available)
False is No
True is Yes
None means not provided, not predefined, or left up to the program
"%3d" is a Python style formatting descriptor
selection= None Selection for atoms to be modified
adp Scope of options to modify ADP of selected atoms
randomize= None Randomize ADP within a certain range
set_b_iso= None Set ADP of atoms to set_b_iso
convert_to_isotropic= None Convert atoms to isotropic
convert_to_anisotropic= None Convert atoms to anisotropic
shift_b_iso= None Add shift_b_iso value to ADP
scale_adp= None Multiply ADP by scale_adp
sites Scope of options to modify coordinates of selected atoms
shake= None Randomize coordinates with mean error value equal to shake
translate= 0 0 0 Translational shift
rotate= 0 0 0 Rotational shift
euler_angle_convention= *xyz zyz Euler angles convention to be used for
occupancies Scope of options to modify occupancies of selected atoms
randomize= None Randomize occupancies within a certain range
output Write out PDB file with modified model (file name is defined in
file_name= None
selection= None Select atoms to be removed
file_name= None Model file(s) name (PDB)
crystal_symmetry Unit cell and space group parameters
unit_cell= None
space_group= None