2.0rc1-5599 | 2025-02-06 | successful |
docs; changelog |
1.21.2-5419 | 2024-08-11 | successful |
mac-intel-osx-x86_64, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6 |
Official 1.21.2 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.21.2-5419:
1.21.2 Changes
- Fix issue where X-ray data parameters (e.g. resolution) are not used
- Fix issue where non-default map coefficient parameters cause map names to be numbered
- Fix issue where phenix.refine parameter diff could not be saved
- Differences in DataManager PHIL are now included when using getting non-default parameters
- Additional filtering is applied to Miller array selections to avoid ambiguity
- The const_shrink_donor_acceptor default has been changed from 0.6 to 0
1.21.1 Changes
- Add support for joint X-ray/neutron refinement to phenix.refine GUI
- Fix DMSO restraint
- Fix excessive printing when processing PAE matrix file
- Add tutorial for low resolution restraints
- Bugfix for LigandPipeline
- Bugfix for PredictAndBuild
- phenix.renumber_fab: (NEW!) renumber FAB chains using Kabat, Chothia or Martin conventions
1.21 Changes
- Full support for structure determination with AlphaFold models in Phenix GUI
- PredictAndBuild X-ray and Cryo-EM structure solution from data and sequences
- Phenix AlphaFold server
- Video tutorials for prediction, X-ray structure solution and Cryo-EM map interpretation
- Cryo-EM tools support ChimeraX visualization
- Cryo-EM density modification and anisotropic scaling display local resolution
- Tutorials available for automated structure determination with PredictAndBuild
- New em_placement and emplace_local tools
- likelihood-based docking of models into cryo-EM maps
- Quantum Mechanical Restraints (QMR) to calculate ligand restraints in situ
- Available in phenix.refine and separate command-line tool, mmtbx.quantum_interface
- Defaults to MOPAC's PM6-D3H4
- Higher level QM available via 3rd-party Orca package
- Restraints
- Approximately 27k of 37k restraints (QM calculated and validated) deployed in the GeoStd
- Automated tests for programs in the Phenix GUI
- ERRASER no longer supported and removed from installation
- Remove rebuild_predicted_model (duplicated by predict_and_build)
- JSON output added to MolProbity structure validation scripts
dev-5395 | 2024-07-16 | successful |
ci, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, mac-intel-osx-x86_64 |
docs; changelog |
1.20.1-4487 | 2022-01-20 | successful |
ci, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, intel-windows-x86_64, mac-intel-osx-x86_64 |
Official 1.20.1 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.20.1-4487:
1.20.1 Changes
- Add backwards compatibility for new solvent masking algorithm
- Bug fix SHELX HKLF format output
- Bug fix for phenix.dock_and_rebuild where no model is obtained
- Bug fix for map and model from phenix.douse not aligning
- Add --without-dials option to installation script
1.20 Changes
- New tools and methods
- Phenix AlphaFold2 notebook: Run AlphaFold on Google Colab from Phenix GUI
- phenix.process_predicted_model: Identify useful domains in AlphaFold model
- phenix.dock_predicted_model: Dock domains of AlphaFold model into cryo-EM
- phenix.rebuild_predicted_model: Rebuild AlphaFold model in cryo-EM map using docked domains
- phenix.dock_and_rebuild : Process, dock and rebuild AlphaFold model with cryo-EM map
- phenix.model_completion: Connect fragments and fill in gaps based on a map
- phenix.rebuild_model: Rebuild a model using a map and keeping connectivity
- phenix.replace_with_fragments_from_pdb: Rebuild a model using fragments from PDB
- phenix.search_and_morph: SSM search PDB; morph to match target
- phenix.fragment_search: Search for a fragment in PDB matching target
- phenix.reverse_fragment: Reverse chain direction of a fragment
- phenix.superpose_and_morph: SSM or least-squares superpose one model on another; optionally trim and morph to match
- phenix.voyager.casp_rel_ellg: Calculate relative eLLG score for predicted model quality
- phenix.match_maps:
- Bug fix (superposed map was not matching target map)
- phenix.real_space_refine:
- Symmatry multiprocessing aware individual ADP and occupancy refinement
- Multiple changes to improce runtime (for certain refinement strategies)
- Make NQH flips symmetry aware
- phenix.superpose_pdbs:
- Add feature to transform additional models with matrix found with moving model
- phenix.dock_in_map:
- Allow splitting model into domains based on chain ID from phenix.process_predicted_model
- Restraints
- GeoStd updated with 12k plus entity restraints files
- cis-PRO default updated to EH99
- phenix.fetch_pdb, iotbx.cif_as_mtz:
- Bug fix: Multiple datasets with different unit cells in a cif file now preserved as multiple crystals in mtz file.
1.19.2-4158 | 2021-02-25 | successful |
ci, intel-windows-x86_64, mac-intel-osx-x86_64, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6 |
Official 1.19.2 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.19.2-4158:
1.19.2 Changes
- Avoid GUI crash when running validation after phenix.real_space_refine
- Other bug fixes
1.19.1 Changes
- phenix.real_space_refine
- Fix bug in restoring previous jobs
- Clarify NCS options
1.19 Changes
- phenix.real_space_refine
- Improved rotamer fitting (use multiprocessing, in case of NCS constraints
work on one copy only and propagate changes to all related copies, various
performace improvements and bug fixes)
- Improved map/restraints weight calculation
- Morphing can now use multiprocessing (nproc)
- phenix.map_to_model and phenix.trace_and_build
- Improved high-resolution model-building including detection of insertions
and deletions
- New methods
- phenix.local_resolution: calculates a local resolution map
- phenix.local_aniso_sharpen: optimizes a map taking into account local
resolution-dependence and anisotropy of the map and its errors
- New scripting tools
- High-level scriptable Python tools are now available for map and model
analyses and manipulation as well as for model-building
- Restraints
- Adjusting the "positions" of atom names is (pseudo-)symmetric amino acid
side chains is now the default
- Improved restraints for ARG allows more flexibility of the CD atom
- Bug fixes
- Chains with modified amino or nucleic acids can be aligned
- Fixed handling of modified amino/nucleic acids in sequence alignment
1.18.2-3874 | 2020-05-17 | successful |
ci, intel-windows-x86_64, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, mac-intel-osx-x86_64 |
Official 1.18.2 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.18.2-3874:
1.18.2 Changes
- Fix weighting for iron sulfur clusters
1.18.1 Changes
1.18 Changes
- Amber
- Automatic creation of Amber files in phenix.refine GUI
- Added AmberPrep GUI
- Restraints
- Engh & Huber restraints (2001) for cis-peptides now implemented
- Restraints added for FeS
- Metal coordination library is default to Zn+2 and FeS clusters
- Rama-Z: New global Ramachandran score for identifying protein structures with unlikely stereochemistry in CLI (phenix.rama_z, mmtbx.rama_z) and GUI (validation reports).
- Density modification for cryo-EM
- Includes model-based density modification with automatic model generation
- Optimized defaults and additional documentation
- Real-space refinement
- Hydrogen atoms no longer included in map target function, which improves fit.
- Add NQH flip option (enabled by default)
- Other
- New tool for ordered solvent picking in cryo-EM maps (phenix.douse)
New map and model superposition tool (phenix.match_maps)
- New FindProgram toll to find any Phenix program with a text search
- Project details now has a button for opening the README file for tutorials
1.17.1-3660 | 2019-10-16 | successful |
ci, intel-windows-x86_64, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, mac-intel-osx-x86_64 |
Official 1.17.1 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.17.1-3660:
1.17.1 Changes
- Fix bug on Windows where Xtriage results would fail to display
- Other bug fixes
1.17 Changes
- Improved handling of SHELX data in phenix.reflection_file_converter
- eLBOW can output files for Amber
- eLBOW supports QM package Orca
- dials.image_viewer is used for viewing diffraction images
- Updated map smoothing
- Fix inconsistency in clashscore values in phenix.validation_cryoem when hydrogens are in the model
1.16-3549 | 2019-06-27 | successful |
ci, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, mac-intel-osx-x86_64, intel-windows-x86_64 |
Official 1.16 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.16-3549:
1.16 Changes
- New GUI for mmtbx.prepare_pdb_deposition to make mmCIF files for deposition into the PDB
- New tool (CLI and GUI) for getting a validation report from the PDB (phenix.get_pdb_validation_report)
- Added sequence checking to Comprehensive Validation for Cryo-EM
- Amber functionality is available by default
1.15.2-3472 | 2019-04-11 | successful |
ci, intel-windows-x86_64, intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6, mac-intel-osx-x86_64 |
Official 1.15.2 release; docs; changelog |
User notes for 1.15.2-3472:
1.15.2 Changes
- Fix phenix.rosetta_refine issue
- Fix PDB/CIF conversion in GUI
1.15.1 Changes
- Improved phenix.map_to_model behavior
New and improved tools
- New algorithm for phenix.map_to_model is faster and builds longer chains
- phenix.trace_and_build can build protein into maps at resolutions as low as 4.5 A
- phenix.fix_insertions_deletions can build models in places where the map is poor
- phenix.refine_ca_model for optimizing C-alpha only models
- phenix.comparama for generating Kleywegt-like plots that show how residues moved in the Rakmachandran plots before and after refinement
- eLBOW can find unique instances of a ligand from the PDB and optionally create Polder OMIT maps
- Updated structural library for phenix.structure_search
- Updated ligand library for phenix.ligand_identification
- Improved reporting of cis-peptides for residues with altloc atoms
Other improvements
- Updated mmCIF support (stuct_conn loop, ligand restraints, sequence)
- phenix.refine, phenix.real_space_refine, and phenix.pdbtools will also output models in mmCIF format by default
- Dependencies are now based on conda packages, which will be more compatible with new operating systems and will improve consistency across all platforms (macOS, linux, Windows)
- Bug fixes