[cctbxbb] State of python3 support?

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 15 13:43:21 PST 2010

Hi Jan,

> compatible with python3 wherever it is possible. and to port print  statements 

> to the new print function peau-á-peau. For legacy versions of  python one could 
> include a universal print function like this: 
> http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217214.html
> That way a future switch  to python3 would be less painful.

I don't want to burden people with python3 discipline until we get
closer to the transition. I think it will be a big effort with or without
the steps you are suggesting and that it will be better to concentrate
the work as much as possible. (Depending on how fast python3 is picked
up we may even want to combine with the transition to C++0x.)

> From this rather old message at  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/cplusplus-
> sig/2009-July/014664.html it  looks like boost.python should be python3 ready 
> as well by now. So with  numpy 1.5 (+scipy) and boost.python most dependencies 

> of cctbx seem to be  python3 enabled by now. As more and more libraries move to 
> python3 imho it  be good to plan ahead with cctbx as well.

Just a note: cctbx does NOT depend on numpy, although recent versions support
fast copies from cctbx arrays (scitbx.array_family.flex) to and from numpy
arrays if the numpy headers are available at compile time.

> Btw. is there a coding style  document/policy for cctbx?

There is a little bit in the file
which you can find in the Phenix installers (www.phenix-online.org).
The file really should be somewhere else and the tests should be structured
and parallelized... but sorry, it is always difficult to find the time
for such housekeeping.

Let me know if you are interested in svn write access for adding to and
maintaining the cctbx.


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