[cctbxbb] Install OpenBLAS or MKL in base

Pascal pascal22p at parois.net
Fri Jun 22 12:54:35 PDT 2018

On 22/06/18 14:16, Luc Bourhis wrote:
>>> Actually, no, it does not work. We also need LAPACK anyway. And that’s only in FORTRAN as far as I know.
>> Clapack is also in c.
> Ah, yes, Lapack passed through f2c. Forgot about that indeed. Mmmhmmm… Ok, so let’s sum up the alternatives.
> 1. compile together netlib cblas and clapack, and install in the right place in the cctbx tree
Hum, maybe not. it needs to be linked with -lf2c
> 2. copy MKL headers, and shared libs (Linux), dynamic libraries (MacOS), or DLL’s (Windows) to the right place in the cctbx tree
Depending on the binary is there any restrictions on the compiler type 
and version you can use?

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