[cctbxbb] jupyter notebook

Aaron Brewster asbrewster at lbl.gov
Tue Apr 2 15:47:00 PDT 2019

Hello, I was able to get Jupyter to work generally following these

I've adapted those instructions to use a cctbx standalone binary build.  I
did this on a linux centos 6 machine on which I had remote access and I
also had conda installed.  Given an empty directory $cctbx and that the
latest dev version is 1725:

   - cd $cctbx
   - wget
   - tar -xvf cctbx-installer-dev-1725-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6.tar.gz
   - cd cctbx-installer-dev-1725-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6
   - ./install --prefix=$cctbx
   - cd ../cctbx-dev-1725/
   - conda activate `pwd`/conda_base
   - conda install jupyter
   - source cctbx_env.sh
   - libtbx.ipython notebook --no-browser --port=8889
   - Note the token produced.

Then on my local machine:

   - ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889
   - Open localhost:8888 in my browser and enter the token.
   - Create a new notebook and test with the line import cctbx

Let me know if it doesn't work :)

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 6:27 AM wtempel <wtempel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> how does one configure, and run inside a jupyter notebook, a cctbx-enabled
> kernel, beginning with a downloaded [cctbx build](
> http://cci.lbl.gov/cctbx_build/)? [This page](
> https://medium.com/@sljack1992/making-a-custom-ipython-notebook-kernel-c59e493de0b6)
> seems to describe the first part, but may no longer apply to more recent
> cctbx builds.
> Thanks.
> Wolfram Tempel
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