[phenixbb] mr_rosetta memory usage

Nathaniel Echols nechols at lbl.gov
Mon Oct 17 06:54:08 PDT 2011

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Tjaard Pijning <t.pijning at rug.nl> wrote:
> I am currently running mr_rosetta and found that after a while the computer
> (running OpenSuse/linux) slows down dramatically because its memory (8 GB)
> is running full. I’m not sure if the program still runs or not.
> Is there a way to limit the amount of memory that phenix/mr_rosetta uses ?
> Or should I e.g. lower the amount of models being used (currently 5) ?
> (Before starting mr_rosetta I ran the regression test which was fine).

I don't know details of how mr_rosetta works, but you have 'nproc' set
to 5 - so you potentially have 5 simultaneous processes competing for
memory.  If you use fewer processors it might help.


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