[phenixbb] Error message on minimization global

Abhipsa Shatarupa ashatarupa at gradcenter.cuny.edu
Tue Mar 8 11:37:27 PST 2022

I am a beginner in phenix. Currently, I am running minimization global under real-space refinement. The input files for this job are a .pdb file generated from rigid-body refinement and a .ccp4 map. I end up receiving the following error message (image attached -Error file). The output log file gives me the description of the number of atoms and the atoms responsible for generating the error (image attached – atoms file).
I ended up finding a couple of Q/A on a similar error message, but I am not sure how to generate the CIF file to overcome the problem using eLBOW?
Could someone please help me resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance,

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