[phenixbb] Isolate Protofilament from helical reconstruction

Christian Tüting christian.tueting at biochemtech.uni-halle.de
Wed Nov 9 02:30:05 PST 2022

Dear PHENIX mailing list,

I have a question regarding a helical reconstruction, done in cryoSPARC.

Usually, I work with "normal" symmetric particles, and there I can
simply run phenix.map_box to isolate the asymmetric unit. This is
somehow not possible with a helical map.

As we also don't have an atomic model yet, we cannot just crop it with

In our helical reconstruction, we have helical twist (in degree) and the
helical rise (in Å) and a additional point group symmetry. We would like
to isolate a single protofilament for further model building. Is this in
principle possible in PHENIX?

Additionally, is there a way to rebuild the helical structure, analogous
to apply_ncs?



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