Model Building
The main goal of a crystallographic experiment is to arrive at an
atomic interpretation of the electron density in the crystal. This
typically requires building an atomic model by fitting to maps obtained
from experimental phasing or
molecular replacement. For many
cases it is possible to use automated methods for building models, for
both proteins and nucleic acids. The accuracy and completeness of model
building is a function of the quality of the starting electron density
map, and less critically the resolution of the data. At low resolution
(3.0Å or worse) partial models are usually build, requiring manual
There are a number of programs in Phenix to aid in automated model
building, the main one being phenix.autobuild. The process of model
building interates phase improvement using density modification methods
with automated map interpretation to build models, and model refinement.
This minimally requires an experimental density map, experimental
diffraction data, and the sequence of the molecule(s) in the crystal.
The output will be a PDB file with the automatically built model and map
coefficients for the best electron density map created during the
process of model building.
How to use the phenix.autobuild GUI: Click
Common issues
Related programs
- phenix.find_helices_strands: This
program can be used to very rapidly locate protein secondary
structure elements in an electron density map. This can be used even
at low resolution (4Å or worse). This is extremely useful for quickly
confirming that a map contains macromolecular features, or for
interpreting low resolution maps. Optionally, the amino acid sequence
can be provided and residues will be fitted where density permits.
- phenix.fit_loops: This program can
fit loops into protein structures given the current model, the
sequence and an electron density map. Model building procedures are
sometimes unable to fit models to poor density in loop regions,
especially in the initial stages of map interpretation. As the model
becomes more complete and maps improve the weaker density in loops
regions may become clearer, and thus can be fit using
- phenix.erraser: This program uses
ERRASER (Enumerative Real-space Refinment ASsisted by
Electron-density under Rosetta) to rebuild RNA structures by
combining Rosetta and Phenix. By supplementing the Rosetta RNA
scoring function with electron-density restraint, ERRASER can
confidently reduce the errors in RNA crystallographic models while
retaining a good fit to the diffraction data.
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