This tool is primarily for adding sequence information to the mmCIF output from phenix.refine to make the file suitable for deposition into the Protein Data Bank. The minimum inputs for this use case are the model from phenix.refine and a sequence file.
If you are starting with a model in PDB format, we recommended that you run phenix.refine on your model and data to generate the necessary fields related to the data, then run this tool to add the sequence information. If your model contains ligands, additional restraints files for the ligands may be necessary.
The input sequence should just be the one letter canonical sequence. For non-standard amino acids or residues, this tool will replace the one letter code with the three letter code surrounded by the parentheses. For example, if there is a selenomethionine, your input sequence should represent that residue as "M". This tool will replace the "M" with "(MSE)" in the correct field in the output mmCIF file.
However, this feature is dependent on curated monomer libraries, so if there is an ambiguity in the parent residue (e.g. methionine is the parent residue for selenomethionine), the conversion will not be automatic. For this situation, you can manually specify which residues to convert from the one letter code to the three letter code with the "custom_residues" parameter. You just need to provide a space-separated sequence of residues. Two examples where this is necessary are SUI in PDB code 2jjj and OTY in PDB code 4jye.
% mmtbx.prepare_pdb_deposition model.cif sequence.fa
% mmtbx.prepare_pdb_deposition 2jjj.cif sequence.fa custom_residues="SUI OTY"
% mmtbx.prepare_pdb_deposition 4jye.cif sequence.fa custom_residues=OTY
This tool is available in the Phenix GUI in the "PDB deposition" section.