Python-based Hierarchical ENvironment for Integrated Xtallography
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Fitting loops to fill in gaps in models with fit_loops

How fit_loops works:
Output files from fit_loops
Standard run of fit_loops:
Possible Problems
Specific limitations and problems:
Additional information
List of all fit_loops keywords


  • fit_loops: Tom Terwilliger


fit_loops is a tool for building a loop into density to connect existing chain ends. You supply a model with a gap and a sequence file and coefficients for an electron density map, and you specify the first and last residues to be built. Then fit_loops will attempt to build the loop that you specify. One loop can be done at a time with fit_loops (but if you have multiple identical chains, you can fit them all at once).

You can use either of two methods to fit the loops. By default fit_loops uses resolve chain extension to try to trace residues from the ends of segments in your input PDB file. If it can connect the segments, it writes out the connecting loops. Alternatively you can use a loop library supplied with PHENIX to connect ends of segments from your input PDB file. If you want a more complete model-building process, then you will want to use phenix.autobuild . fit_loops can be run from the command line or from the PHENIX GUI.


How fit_loops works:

fit_loops calculates a map based on the supplied map coefficients, then tries to extend the ends of the supplied model into the gap region, following the electron density in the map.

Output files from fit_loops

model_with_loops.pdb: The output from fit_loops is a new PDB file containing your input model with the newly-built loop inserted into it (if a loop could be found).


Standard run of fit_loops:

A typical command-line input would be:

phenix.fit_loops pdb_in=nsf_gap.pdb mtz_in=map_coeffs.mtz \
 seq_file=nsf.seq start=37 end=43 chain_id=None
This will fit a loop starting with residue 37 and ending with residue 43 in nsf_gap.pdb. phenix.fit_loops will expect that your existing nsf_gap.pdb model has a chain ending at residue 36 and another starting at residue 44. As chain_id=None in this example, if there are multiple chains A,B,C in nsf_gap.pdb then all 3 will be filled in. If you want (or need) to specify the column names from your mtz file, you will need to tell fit_loops what FP and PHIB (and optionally FOM) are, in this format:
phenix.fit_loops pdb_in=nsf_gap.pdb mtz_in=map_coeffs.mtz \
 seq_file=nsf.seq start=37 end=43 chain_id=None \
If you want to try and fit a loop with poor density, you might want to lower the threshold for the correlation of density in the loop (default minimum correlation is 0.2):
phenix.fit_loops pdb_in=nsf_gap.pdb mtz_in=map_coeffs.mtz \
 seq_file=nsf.seq start=37 end=43 chain_id=None \
To use the loop library in PHENIX, use the keyword loop_lib:
phenix.fit_loops pdb_in=nsf_gap.pdb mtz_in=map_coeffs.mtz \
 seq_file=nsf.seq start=37 end=39 chain_id=None loop_lib=True
This will fit a loop starting with residue 37 and ending with residue 39. The maximum current length in the loop library is 3 residues. To use the loop library in PHENIX and try to connect any pair of segments that have an geometrical relationship, use the keyword connect_all:
phenix.fit_loops pdb_in=nsf_gap.pdb mtz_in=map_coeffs.mtz \
 seq_file=nsf.seq connect_all=True
This will go through all pairs of segments, trying to connect them with a loop from the PHENIX loop library.

Possible Problems

Specific limitations and problems:


Additional information

List of all fit_loops keywords

Legend: black bold - scope names
        black - parameter names
        red - parameter values
        blue - parameter help
        blue bold - scope help
        Parameter values:
          * means selected parameter (where multiple choices are available)
          False is No
          True is Yes
          None means not provided, not predefined, or left up to the program
          "%3d" is a Python style formatting descriptor
      pdb_in= None PDB file with gap to fill.
      mtz_in= None MTZ file with coefficients for a map
      labin= "" Labin line for MTZ file with map coefficients. This is
             optional if fit_loops can guess the correct coefficients for FP
             PHI and FOM. Otherwise specify: LABIN FP=myFP PHIB=myPHI
             FOM=myFOM where myFP is your column label for FP
      seq_file= None sequence file (1-letter code, one copy of each chain)
      seq_prob_file= None File seq_prob.dat from resolve sequence alignment
      pdb_out= connect.pdb Output PDB file (will be missing if no result).
      log= None Output logfile
      params_out= fit_loops_params.eff Parameters file to rerun fit_loops
      connect_all_segments= False Try to connect everything
      min_acceptable_prob= None Minimum loop probability to consider
      refine_loops= True Refine fitted loops in loop_lib
      chain_id= None Chain ID for chain containing missing loops. If None any
                chain ID is allowed. All missing segments matching chain_id,
                start and end will be fit
      start= None Starting residue number of loop(s) to be fit. if None any
             start is allowed. All missing segments matching chain_id, start
             and end will be fit
      end= None Ending residue number of loop(s) to be fit. If None any end is
           allowed. All missing segments matching chain_id, start and end will
           be fit
      remove_loops= False Remove existing residues and replace with new loop
                    All segments matching chain_id, start and end will be fit
      skip_trim= True If skip_trim=True (default) then model with added loops
                 will be written out without checking for overlaps with
                 non-sequence-aligned residues. If skip_trim=False then this
                 check will be carried out. Note that skip_trim=False can
                 cause some residues to be de-assigned from sequence if they
                 cannot be successfully matched to density. In such cases you
                 might try skip_trim=True.
      score_min= 1.0 Minimum connection score for connect_all_segments
      loop_cc_min= 0.2 Minimum loop map-model correlation
      aggressive= False Aggressive loop building (risky)
      loop_lib= False Use loop library to fit loops Only applicable for
      standard_loops= True Use standard loop fitting
      trace_loops= False Use loop tracing to fit loops Only applicable for
      refine_trace_loops= True Refine loops (real-space) after trace_loops
      density_of_points= None Packing density of points to consider as as
                         possible CA atoms in trace_loops. Try 1.0 for a quick
                         run, up to 5 for much more thorough run If None, try
                         value depending on value of quick.
      max_density_of_points= None Maximum packing density of points to
                             consider as as possible CA atoms in trace_loops.
      cutout_model_radius= None Radius to cut out density for trace_loops If
                           None, guess based on length of loop
      max_cutout_model_radius= 20. Maximum value of cutout_model_radius to try
      padding= 1. Padding for cut out density in trace_loops
      max_span= 30 Maximum length of a gap to try to fill
      max_overlap= None Maximum number of residues from ends to start with.
                   (1=use existing ends, 2=one in from ends etc) If None, set
                   based on value of quick.
      min_overlap= None Minimum number of residues from ends to start with.
                   (1=use existing ends, 2=one in from ends etc)
      target_insert= None You can try to force the number of residues to
                     insert with trace_loops. If none, try to fill in the gap
                     based on the number of missing residues. If set and
                     greater than 0, only accept the number of residues given.
                     If zero, take any length. Not supported.
      resolution= 0. high-resolution limit for map calculation
      chain_type= *PROTEIN DNA RNA Chain type (for identifying main-chain and
                  side-chain atoms)
      temp_dir= "temp_dir" Optional temporary work directory
      output_dir= None Output directory where files are to be written
      verbose= False Verbose output
      quick= False Try to run quickly
      raise_sorry= False Raise sorry if problems
      debug= False Debugging output
      dry_run= False Just read in and check parameter names
      coarse_grid= False Use coarse grid (saves on memory)
      resolve_command_list= None Commands for resolve. One per line in the
                            form: keyword value value can be optional
                            Examples: coarse_grid resolution 200 2.0 hklin
                            test.mtz NOTE: for command-line usage you need to
                            enclose the whole set of commands in double quotes
                            (") and each individual command in single
                            quotes (') like this:
                            resolve_command_list="'no_build' 'b_overall
                            23' "
   gui GUI-specific parameters, not used on command line
      result_file= None
      job_title= None Job title in PHENIX GUI, not used on command line