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Tutorial 6: Automatically rebuilding a model solved by molecular replacement

Setting up to run PHENIX
Running the demo a2u-globulin-rebuild data with AutoBuild
Where are my files?
What parameters did I use?
Reading the log files for your AutoBuild run file
Summary of the command-line arguments
Guessing the chain type
Deciding on rebuild-in-place and editing input PDB file
Guessing column labels
Guessing cell contents
Running phenix.xtriage
Generation of FreeR flags
Rebuild-in-place model-building with RESOLVE by building multiple models and combining the best parts
Individual rebuild-in-place log files
The AutoBuild_summary.dat summary file
How do I know if iterative model-building, density modification and refinement with rebuild-in-place worked?
What to do next
Additional information


This tutorial will start with a molecular replacement model for a2u-globulin, and carry out the process of rebuilding this model using the rebuild-in-place option of the AutoBuild Wizard. The tutorial is designed to be read all the way through, giving pointers for you along the way. Once you have read it all and run the example data and looked at the output files, you will be in a good position to run your own data through AutoBuild.

Setting up to run PHENIX

If PHENIX is already installed and your environment is all set, then if you type:

echo $PHENIX
then you should get back something like this:
If instead you get:
PHENIX: undefined variable
then you need to set up your PHENIX environment. See the PHENIX installation page for details of how to do this. If you are using the C-shell environment (csh) then all you will need to do is add one line to your .cshrc (or equivalent) file that looks like this:
source /xtal/phenix-1.3/phenix_env
(except that the path in this statement will be where your PHENIX is installed). Then the next time you log in $PHENIX will be defined.

Running the demo a2u-globulin-rebuild data with AutoBuild

To run AutoBuild on the demo a2u-globulin-rebuild data, make yourself a tutorials directory and cd into that directory:

mkdir tutorials
cd tutorials 
Now type the phenix command:
phenix.run_example --help 
to list the available examples. Choosing a2u-globulin-rebuild for this tutorial, you can now use the phenix command:
phenix.run_example a2u-globulin-rebuild 
to build the a2u-globulin-rebuild structure with AutoBuild. This command will copy the directory $PHENIX/examples/a2u-globulin-rebuild to your current directory (tutorials) and call it tutorials/a2u-globulin-rebuild/ . Then it will run AutoBuild using the command file that is present in this tutorials/a2u-globulin-rebuild/ directory. This command file is simple. It says:
echo "Running AutoBuild on a2u-globulin MR data "
phenix.autobuild mup_mr_solution.pdb a2u-sigmaa.mtz a2u-globulin.seq  \
input_map_file=a2u-sigmaa.mtz input_map_labels="FWT PHIC"

The first line (#!/bin/sh) tells the system to interpret the remainder of the text in the file using the sh (or bash) -shell (sh). The command phenix.autobuild runs the command-line version of AutoBuild (see Automated Structure Solution using AutoBuild for all the details about AutoBuild including a full list of keywords). The arguments on the command line tell AutoBuild about the molecular replacement model (mup_mr_solution.pdb the data file (data=a2u-sigmaa.mtz), sequence file (seq_file=a2u-globulin.seq), the input map file with sigmaA-weighted phases (same as the input data file, but using different data columns: input_map_file=a2u-sigmaa.mtz), and the data columns for the map calculation: input_map_labels="FWT PHIC"). (Note that each of these is specified with an = sign, and that there are no spaces around the = sign.) Note the backslash "\" at the end of some of the lines in the phenix.autobuild command. This tells the C-shell (which interprets everything in this file) that the next line is a continuation of the current line. There must be no characters (not even a space) after the backslash for this to work. The structure factor amplitudes and experimental phase information are in the datafile a2u-sigmaa.mtz. This is an mtz file which is a binary file that contains summary information about the dataset as well as the reflection data. Although the phenix.run_example a2u-globulin-rebuild command has just run AutoBuild from a script (, you can run AutoBuild yourself from the command line with the same phenix.autobuild ... command. You can also run AutoBuild from a GUI, or by putting commands in another type of script file. All these possibilities are described in Using the PHENIX Wizards.

Where are my files?

Once you have started AutoBuild or another Wizard, an output directory will be created in your current (working) directory. The first time you run AutoBuild in this directory, this output directory will be called AutoBuild_run_1_ (or AutoBuild_run_1_/, where the slash at the end just indicates that this is a directory). All of the output from run 1 of AutoBuild will be in this directory. If you run AutoBuild again, a new subdirectory called AutoBuild_run_2_ will be created. Inside the directory AutoBuild_run_1_ there will be one or more temporary directories such as TEMP0 created while the Wizard is running. The files in this temporary directory may be useful sometimes in figuring out what the Wizard is doing (or not doing!). By default these directories are emptied when the Wizard finishes (but you can keep their contents with the command clean_up=False if you want.)

What parameters did I use?

Once the AutoBuild wizard has started (when run from the command line), a parameters file called autobuild.eff will be created in your output directory (e.g., AutoBuild_run_1_/autobuild.eff). This parameters file has a header that says what command you used to run AutoBuild, and it contains all the starting values of all parameters for this run (including the defaults for all the parameters that you did not set). The autobuild.eff file is good for more than just looking at the values of parameters, though. If you copy this file to a new one (for example autobuild_lores.eff) and edit it to change the values of some of the parameters (resolution=3.0) then you can re-run AutoBuild with the new values of your parameters like this:

phenix.autobuild autobuild_lores.eff
This command will do everything just the same as in your first run but use only the data to 3.0 A.

Reading the log files for your AutoBuild run file

While the AutoBuild wizard is running, there are several places you can look to see what is going on. The most important one is the overall log file for the AutoBuild run. This log file is located in:

for run 1 of AutoBuild. (The second 1 in this log file name will be incremented if you stop this run in the middle and restart it with a command like phenix.autobuild run=1). The AutoBuild_run_1_1.log file is a running summary of what the AutoBuild Wizard is doing. Here are a few of the key sections of the log files produced for the a2u-globulin-rebuild SAD dataset.

Summary of the command-line arguments

Near the top of the log file you will find:

Starting AutoBuild with the command:

phenix.autobuild input_pdb_file=mup_mr_solution.pdb data=a2u-sigmaa.mtz   \
seq_file=a2u-globulin.seq input_map_file=a2u-sigmaa.mtz   \
input_map_labels='FWT PHIC'

Guessing mup_mr_solution.pdb is a starting model.
Guessing a2u-sigmaa.mtz is a datafile.
Guessing a2u-globulin.seq is sequence file.

The first couple lines are just a repeat of how you ran AutoBuild; you can copy it and paste them into the command line to repeat this run. The last 3 lines point out that you didn't specify exacly what these three files are...and is confirming what the Wizard is going to use them for.

Guessing the chain type

The AutoBuild Wizard will read in your sequence file and guess whether this is PROTEIN, DNA, or RNA from the sequence:

Guessing chain type from  a2u-globulin.seq
Setting chain type to  PROTEIN
If you want to tell the Wizard what the chain type is, you can say, chain_type=PROTEIN.

Deciding on rebuild-in-place and editing input PDB file

The AutoBuild Wizard has two main options for rebuilding a model: rebuild-in-place and not rebuilding in place. Rebuilding in place is a method for rebuilding a model without changing the overall positioning of residues or the alignment of the sequence in the model. It is carried out by sequentially removing a short segment and rebuilding just that segment, and keeping the sequence of the segment the same. The alternative method for model rebuilding is to start from scratch and build a model directly into the electron density map. (Optionally you can also re-use fragments of your original model.). The AutoBuild Wizard by default will decide whether to use rebuild-in-place based on whether an alignment of the sequence you input with the model you input can be made. If the sequence alignment yields at least 50% identical residues, then rebuild-in-place will be recommended. (You can choose not to use rebuild in place with the keyword rebuild_in_place=No). Rebuilding in place is generally a good idea if you just want to fix up a model that is almost correct; it is not a good way to make a lot of big changes in a model. It will not fill in loops or otherwise correct connectivity. In this example the sequence identity is high and rebuilding in place is recommended. The Wizard then edits your PDB file to give it the sequence you have provided (if you provide no sequence then the sequence int the PDB file will be kept), deleting any segments that do not match your sequence file at all, and inserting gaps where there are missing residues:

Deciding if we want to use rebuild-in-place...

Rebuild in place recommended as identity * fraction_aligned is 63.06%

Percent identity of  mup_mr_solution.pdb to sequence in  a2u-globulin.seq  is  63.06
Finished with creating edited pdb file: AutoBuild_run_1_/edited_pdb.pdb

Guessing column labels

The AutoBuild Wizard will need to know which columns in your input data file and your input map file to use. It guesses which column labels to use and lists them out:

Getting column labels from a2u-sigmaa.mtz for input data file
Resolution from datafile: 2.38339035134
SG: P 21 21 21
Cell: [106.81999969482422, 62.340000152587891, 114.19000244140625, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]
Input labels: ['FP', 'SIGFP', 'None', 'FOM', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None']

Getting column labels from a2u-sigmaa.mtz for input map file
SG: P 21 21 21
Cell: [106.81999969482422, 62.340000152587891, 114.19000244140625, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0]
Map input labels: ['FWT', 'PHIC']

These are indeed the appropriate columns to use for experimental phases and for map coefficients, respectively. Note the "None" in the input labels for a2u-sigmaa.mtz. The input labels in this list correspond to FP SIGFP PHIB FOM HLA HLB HLC HLC FreeR_flag and there is no Free R data in the input data file. All the data that is expected for each input file in AutoBuild can be seen in the AutoBuild web page under "Specifying which columns of data to use from input data files".

Guessing cell contents

The AutoBuild Wizard uses the sequence information in your sequence file (sequence.dat) and the cell parameters and space group to guess the number of NCS copies and the solvent fraction:

Number of residues in unique chains in seq file: 181
Unit cell: (106.82, 62.34, 114.19, 90, 90, 90)
Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19)
CELL VOLUME :760409.359319
Data file (for everything including refinement): a2u-sigmaa.mtz

Running phenix.xtriage

The AutoBuild Wizard automatically runs phenix.xtriage on your input datafile to analyze it for twinning, outliers, translational symmetry, and other special conditions that you should be aware of. You can read more about xtriage in Data quality assessment with phenix.xtriage. The xtriage output is in the file a2u-sigmaa.mtz_xtriage.log. Part of the summary output from xtriage for this dataset looks like this:

The largest off-origin peak in the Patterson function is 5.10% of the
height of the origin peak. No significant pseudotranslation is detected.

The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics
behave as expected. No twinning is suspected.

Generation of FreeR flags

The AutoBuild Wizard will create a set of free R flags indicating which reflections are not to be used in refinement. By default 5% of reflections (up to a maximum of 2000) are reserved for this test set. If you supply a reflection file with free R flags already set, then they will be used. If you want to supply a file ref.mtz specifically for refinement, you can do that with input_refinement_file=ref.mtz. Also if you want to supply a high-resolution datafile hires.mtz that has then you can do this with the keywords input_hires_file=hires.mtz. After generation of free R flags if necessary, and any merging of data files, the file to be used for refinement is called exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz.

Rebuild-in-place model-building with RESOLVE by building multiple models and combining the best parts

The AutoBuild Wizard by default uses RESOLVE to build an atomic model of your structure. In this example the rebuild-in-place option is used. To rebuild a model in place means to rebuild the model without adding or removing any residues or changing the connectivity of the chain. The AutoBuild Wizard uses the multiple-models algorithm to rebuild your model several times and then to recombine them together to form a single very good model. (The multiple-models algorithm can also be used to form several very good models if you want). Here is where this is done:

Setting up to build 5 models to be combined into final model #1

Setting background=False as nproc=1
Building  5  models ...Splitting work into 5 jobs and running 1 at a time with sh in

Starting job 1...
Starting job 2...
Starting job 3...
Starting job 4...
Starting job 5...
Collecting multiple_model runs to form a single final model

Solution for try :  1 cycle_best_3.pdb
Solution 2 from rebuild cycle 3 R= 0.2
Saving  /net/idle/scratch1/terwill/run_072908a/a2u-globulin-rebuild/
AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_3.pdb  as  

Saving  /net/idle/scratch1/terwill/run_072908a/a2u-globulin-rebuild/
AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_3.mtz  as  
Solution 4 from rebuild cycle 5 R= 0.21
Solution 2 from rebuild cycle 3 R= 0.21
Solution 3 from rebuild cycle 4 R= 0.21
Solution 3 from rebuild cycle 4 R= 0.21
In this case each of the individually rebuilt models is pretty good, with an R from 0.20 to 0.21. These models are then combined together, with the best parts of each model (based on correlation to the density-modified map) kept:
AutoBuild_combine  AutoBuild  Run 2 Mon May 19 12:06:11 2008

Current combine number:  1
Combining initial models # 1
NOTE: only keeping merged models if they improve R

Merging model  1
Removing waters and ligands (if any): AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/current_model.pdb
R/Rfree for model  composite_model_refined_1.pdb 0.21 0.23


Merging model  5
combining  current_model.pdb initial_model.pdb_1_5
Removing waters and ligands (if any): AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/current_model.pdb
Removing waters and ligands (if any): AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/initial_model.pdb_1_5
R/Rfree for model  composite_model_refined_5.pdb 0.2 0.23

Merging model  2
combining  current_model.pdb initial_model.pdb_1_2
Removing waters and ligands (if any): AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/current_model.pdb
Removing waters and ligands (if any): AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/initial_model.pdb_1_2
R/Rfree for model  composite_model_refined_2.pdb 0.21 0.23
Not keeping this merged model as it is no better than current best


New overall best saved:

Current overall_best model and map  Mon Jun 30 01:08:22 2008
Working directory: 
Model (overall_best.pdb) from: overall_best.pdb
Cycle: 1
R and R-free: 0.20 0.23
Map coeffs used for build (overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz)
from: overall_best_denmod_map_coeffs.mtz

Final composite model # 1 :  AutoBuild_run_1_/MULTIPLE_MODELS/model.pdb_1
Final composite mtz # 1 :  AutoBuild_run_1_/MULTIPLE_MODELS/resolve_composite_map.mtz_1

Here there were four models built, with R values from 0.2 to 0.22. The one with the lowest R (model 4) was used as the starting model, and each of the others was merged with this model, taking the best-fitting parts. An improved model was obtained by merging model 3 with model 4, yielding an R just under 0.20.

Individual rebuild-in-place log files

If you want to see the details of the individual runs of rebuild_in_place on this model, you will want to look in the directory that was listed above:

In this TEMP0 directory you will find subdirectories like:
which in turn contain the log files for the runs of these individual rebuild_in_place rebuilding steps. Here is a summary of the run in
After reading in the data in this sub-process, the starting model is refined:
Refining model:  unrefined.pdb_1
Model: refine.pdb_1  R/Rfree=0.31/0.32
This starting model is rather good, with an R of 0.32. This is about the quality of model that works best with rebuild-in-place. The NCS in this model is analyzed automatically:
Summary of NCS group with 4 operators:
ID of chain/residue where these apply: [['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 
[[[1, 157]], [[1, 157]], [[1, 157]], [[1, 157]]]]
RMSD (A) from chain A:  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
Number of residues matching chain A:[157, 157, 157, 157]
Source of NCS info: AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/overall_best.pdb
Correlation of NCS: 0.76

There is good correlation of NCS-related density (as expected as all the density is model-based so far) and the 4 chains have a 0.0 RMSD after application of NCS (also expected as we have simply placed the same molecule in 4 different orientations and locations in the asymmetric unit). The rebuild-in place procedure is then carried out:
Running standard build
Starting with current best model of  refine.pdb_1 ...setting it to  refine.pdb_1
Including parts of this model if best...
Starting best model from  starting_model.pdb
Rebuilding in place: starting_model.pdb
New total residues built:  562

Warning: some residues not rebuilt successfully on cycle 2:
Chain 'A':    1-  10,  156- 157,
Chain 'C':    1-  10,   61-  65,  151- 157,
Chain 'B':    1-   5,   61-  65,
Chain 'D':    1-  10,   61-  65,  151- 157
Refining model:  Build_rebuild_in_place_1.pdb
Model: AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/refine_1.pdb  R/Rfree=0.23/0.26
Notice the warning about some of the residues that were not rebuilt. For any residues that the rebuilding process simply could not fit, the original coordinates are kept. In favorable cases, by the end of iterative model-building all the coordinates can be fit. In cases where they cannot, you should be cautious about using those parts of the model that do not get rebuilt. In this case the R has decreased substantially by rebuilding to 0.23. The side chains are then rebuilt, and the best-fitting parts of the current models are recombined to yield a new model with a similar R of 0.24:
Rebuilding side chains from  Build_composite_refined_3.pdb
Refining model:  edit_model.pdb
Model: AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/Build_composite_refined_side_3.pdb  R/Rfree=0.24/0.26
This is the end of the first cycle of rebuilding. Next the rebuilt model is used to calculate phases and the resulting map is used in statistical density modification, including not just solvent flattening and histograms of density, but also the 4-fold NCS in this structure. This whole process is repeated 2 more times, yielding the best model on the second cycle, with a final R/Rfree of 0.20/0.23. On the final cycle of model-building a few residues are still not rebuilt:
Warning: some residues not rebuilt successfully on cycle 3:
Chain 'A':  156- 157,
Chain 'C':    1-  10,   61-  65,  156- 157,
Chain 'B':    1-  10,
Chain 'D':    1-  10,   61-  65,  156- 157
and these residues (the N-terminal 10 residues of chains B, C, and D) and residues 61-65 and the C-terminal 2 residues of chain C) should probably not be used in the model. The final refined model is written out to AutoBuild_run_1_/TEMP0/AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_3.pdb. Note that this run is carried out entirely within the TEMP0/ subdirectory because this is a sub-process. This model is then combined with the models from the other sub-processes in this multiple-model run to form a final model. Note that the quality of the model improves a lot in the first cycle and not very much after that. This is common in the rebuild-in-place procedure.

The AutoBuild_summary.dat summary file

A quick summary of the results of your AutoBuild run is in the AutoBuild_summary.dat file in your output directory. This file lists the key files that were produced in your run of AutoBuild (all these are in the output directory) and some of the key statistics for the run. Here is the summary for this a2u-globulin-rebuild model-building run:

Summary of model-building for run 1  Mon Jun 30 01:08:54 2008
Files are in the directory:  

Starting mtz file: 
Sequence file: 
One composite model generated with 'multiple_models'

Best solution on cycle: 1    R/Rfree=0.2/0.23

Summary of output files for Solution 1 from multiple_models cycle 1

---  Model (PDB file)  ---
pdb_file: AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_1.pdb

---  Model-map correlation log file ---
log_eval: AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_1.log_eval

---  Data for refinement FP SIGFP PHIM FOMM HLAM HLBM HLCM HLDM FreeR_flag ---
hklout_ref: AutoBuild_run_1_/exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz

---  Density-modified map coefficients FP PHIM FOM ---
hklout_denmod: AutoBuild_run_1_/cycle_best_1.mtz

 1         1      0.20        0.23      0       0

Your best model is in AutoBuild_run_3_/cycle_best_1.pdb, and it has an R/Rfree of 0.20/0.23, which is quite reasonable. The best density-modified map coefficients are in AutoBuild_run_3_/cycle_best_1.mtz. The values of "BUILT" and "PLACED" are zero because no new model is being built in this process (just rebuilding in place). There is a residue-by-residue analysis of the correlation between density calculated from this model and this map in AutoBuild_run_3_/cycle_best_1.log_eval. If you want to refine your model further, you should use the data in AutoBuild_run_3_/exptl_fobs_phases_freeR_flags.mtz, which includes a set of freeR flags.

How do I know if iterative model-building, density modification and refinement with rebuild-in-place worked?

Here are some of the things to look for to tell if you have obtained a good model:

  • How much of the model failed to be rebuilt with the rebuild-in-place procedure? This should be a very small part of the model at most. If 25% of your model cannot be rebuilt, then the density is probably very weak (or the resolution may be too low).
  • What is the R-factor and the free R-factor of the model? For a solution at moderate to high resolution (2.5 A or better) the R-factor should be in the low 20's and the free R-factor about 0.05 higher to be very good. For lower-resolution data, an R-factor in the low 30's is probably largely correct but the model is not very good.
  • Does the model show NCS if there are more than one copies in the asymmetric unit? You can look at your log file which will tell you about any NCS in your model.

What to do next

Once you have run AutoBuild and have obtained a good model, you will want to inspect and touch up the model carefully, rebuilding any parts of the model that do not agree well with the final map. You should also have a close look at all the solvent molecules in your model, making sure that they all have reasonable relationships to the macromolecule and to each other, and that they are not simply filling up density where a ligand or the macromolecule really goes. The next thing to do is to add in any ligands (metals, cofactors) if there is density for them. You can use the LigandFit Wizard (see Automated Ligand Fitting using LigandFit ) to help you fit ligands into your map automatically. If you do not obtain a good model, then it's not quite time to give up yet. There are a number of standard things to try that may improve the model building. Here are a few that you should try:

  • Have a careful look at all the output files. Work your way through the main log file (e.g., AutoBuild_run_1_1.log). Is there anything strange or unusual in any of them that may give you a clue as to what to try next? What does the xtriage output say? Is there twinning or strong translational symmetry? Are there problems with reflections near ice rings? Are there many outlier reflections?
  • Have a look at the electron density maps at different stages in model building. How does the starting map look? How about the maps produced during the iterative building process (cycle_best_xx.mtz)? If the maps look poor, then the rebuilding process will not work well. However if the maps look good and the rebuilding is not working well then it is worth trying to identify where the problem is.
  • Try a different resolution cutoff. You may be able to use higher-resolution data in AutoBuild than you used in structure solution.

Additional information

For details about the AutoBuild Wizard, see Automated Model building and Rebuilding using AutoBuild. For help on running Wizards, see Using the PHENIX Wizards.