- phenix.maps: a command line tool to compute various maps and save them in most
- of known formats.
How to run the command line version:
- Run phenix.maps without any arguments: just type phenix.maps in the command
line and hit Enter. This will creare a parameter file called maps.params,
which can be renamed if desired.
- Edit maps.params file to specify input/output file names, data labels and
the desired maps. It is possible to request as many maps as desired. By
default, the file maps.params specifies 5 maps to be created: 2mFo-DFc,
2mFo-DFc with missing Fobs filled with DFcalc, mFo-DFc and anomalous
difference maps will be output in MTZ format, and one 2mFo-DFc map will be
output in CCP4 format.
NOTE: the anomalous difference map will only be created if the input
reflection data file contains Bijvoet maps (F+/F- or I+/I-).
- Run this command to compute requested maps: phenix.maps maps.params
Alternately, you may specify input files (and additional parameters) directly
on the command line:
% phenix.maps model.pdb data.mtz
and it will automatically generate the default maps as described above.
Important Facts:
- phenix.maps is available in PHENIX GUI.
- The scope of parameters 'map_coefficients' defines the map that will be
output as Fourier map coefficients. The scope of parameters 'map' defines
the maps that will be output as CCP4 or X-plor format.
- To create several maps: duplicate either 'map_coefficients' or 'map' or both
scopes of parameters as many times as many maps is desired. Then edit each
of them to define the maps.
- A map is defined by specifying a map type using 'map_type' keyword available
within each scope of parameters: 'map_coefficients' or 'map'. The general
supported format for 'map_type' is: [p][m]Fo+[q][D]Fc[_kick][_filled]. For
example: 2Fo-Fc, 2mFobs-DFcalc, 3Fobs-2Fmodel, Fo-Fc, mfobs-Dfcalc, anom,
llg. The 'map_type' parser will automatically recognize which map is
- The program creates as many files with CCP4 or X-plor formatted maps as
is requested, and it creates only one MTZ formatted file with
all Fourier map coefficients in it.
- The CCP4 or X-plor formatted maps can be computed in the entire unit cell
or around selected atoms only.
- Kick maps and missing Fobs filling is done (if requested) as described in
Adams et al. (2010). Acta Cryst. D66, 213-221.
- Twinning (if detected) will be accounted for automatically. This can be
disabled by using "skip_twin_detection=True" keyword.
- All arrays used in map calculation, for example: Fobs, Fmodel, Fcalc, Fmask,
m, D, etc., can be output into a CNS or MTZ formatted reflection file.
- For those who likes to experiment: bulk solvent correction and anisotropic
scaling can be turned off, the data can be filtered by sigma and resolution.
- For some map types certain 'map_coefficients' or 'map' scope parameters may
not be applicable. For example, for "map_type=anomalous" the keywords
"kicked", "fill_missing_f_obs" and some other are not applicable.
- For LLG map calculation, if you specify the wavelength any existing heavy
atoms (P or heavier) will be modeled as anomalous scatterers using the
theoretical values of f' and f''.
All phenix.maps parameters:
maps {
input {
pdb_file_name = None
reflection_data {
file_name = None
labels = None
high_resolution = None
low_resolution = None
outliers_rejection = True
french_wilson_scale = True
french_wilson {
max_bins = 60
min_bin_size = 40
sigma_fobs_rejection_criterion = None
sigma_iobs_rejection_criterion = None
r_free_flags {
file_name = None
label = None
test_flag_value = None
ignore_r_free_flags = False
output {
directory = None
prefix = None
title = None
fmodel_data_file_format = mtz
scattering_table = wk1995 it1992 *n_gaussian neutron
wavelength = None
bulk_solvent_correction = True
anisotropic_scaling = True
skip_twin_detection = False
omit {
method = *simple
selection = None
map_coefficients {
map_type = 2mFo-DFc
format = *mtz phs
mtz_label_amplitudes = 2FOFCWT
mtz_label_phases = PH2FOFCWT
kicked = False
fill_missing_f_obs = False
sharpening = False
sharpening_b_factor = None
exclude_free_r_reflections = False
isotropize = True
map_coefficients {
map_type = 2mFo-DFc
format = *mtz phs
mtz_label_amplitudes = 2FOFCWT_fill
mtz_label_phases = PH2FOFCWT_fill
kicked = False
fill_missing_f_obs = True
sharpening = False
sharpening_b_factor = None
exclude_free_r_reflections = False
isotropize = True
map_coefficients {
map_type = mFo-DFc
format = *mtz phs
mtz_label_amplitudes = FOFCWT
mtz_label_phases = PHFOFCWT
kicked = False
fill_missing_f_obs = False
sharpening = False
sharpening_b_factor = None
exclude_free_r_reflections = False
isotropize = True
map_coefficients {
map_type = anomalous
format = *mtz phs
mtz_label_amplitudes = ANOM
mtz_label_phases = PHANOM
kicked = False
fill_missing_f_obs = False
sharpening = False
sharpening_b_factor = None
exclude_free_r_reflections = False
isotropize = True
map {
map_type = 2mFo-DFc
format = xplor *ccp4
file_name = None
kicked = False
fill_missing_f_obs = False
grid_resolution_factor = 1/4.
region = *selection cell
atom_selection = None
atom_selection_buffer = 3
sharpening = False
sharpening_b_factor = None
exclude_free_r_reflections = False
isotropize = True