phenix.development.fem: compute Feature Enhanced Map (FEM)
This is a developmental version and it will be such until official publication
in peer reviewed journal.
The program reads PDB model, reflection data (Fobs or Iobs) and R-free
flags, if available. Then it computes {2mFobs-DFmodel, Phase_model} map, which
is subject to FEM procedure.
- Output is MTZ file with four sets of Fourier map coefficients:
- 2mFoDFc,PHI2mFoDFc: usual {2mFobs-DFmodel, Phase_model} sigma-a weighted
synthesis. No anisotropy correction or filling missing data.
- 2mFoDFc_FilSharp,PHI2mFoDFc_FilSharp: same as above but B-factor sharpened,
anisotropy corrected and missing Fobs are modeled.
- KICK,PHIKICK: "kick" map
- FEM,PHIFEM: Feature Enhanced Map
Of real interest are only 2mFoDFc,PHI2mFoDFc (which is output to compare with
FEM map) and FEM,PHIFEM - the main result of running this tool. The other map
coefficients are present for information or debugging.
- Important:
- FEM map is not expected to contain any more signal than the original
starting map. The new map is expected to contain less noise and all the
available signal equalized in strength, so both strong and very weak signal
are available for interpretation at the same threshold contouring level.
Command line usage examples:
% phenix.fem model.pdb data.mtz
% phenix.fem data.mtz model.pdb label=Fobs
% phenix.fem model.pdb data.mtz scattering_label=neutron
Graphical user interface is available
Currently only {2mFobs-DFmodel, Phase_model} map can be used in FEM protocol
and it has to be computed internally by the program (that is no user-specified
map coefficients can be used).
Additional information
Latest presentation of FEM methodology:
Publication in Computational Crystallography Newsletter (front page):