Finding and analyzing difference map peaks
- Overview
- Configuration
- Output
- List of all find_peaks_holes keywords
phenix.find_peaks_holes is a utility for identifying points of interest in
difference maps, typically at the end of refinement. It will calculate an
mFo-DFc map and locate peaks and holes, plus anomalous map peaks (if anomalous
data are provided) and flagging of waters with suspiciously high mFo-DFc
values. This information may be used to improve the model, especially in the
addition of solvent and small ions.
The program requires only a PDB file and data (including R-free flags). The
default options should be sufficient for most cases, although for very large
structures or especially noisy maps, you may find it helpful to increase the
sigma cutoff.
By default, peaks which overlap with the input atoms (within a cutoff distance)
will not be included. If you want to find all peaks, set the minimum
peak-model distance to zero. Additional options are available by clicking the
"Peak search" button.
On the command line, the minimal input is simply the paths to your model and
data files (column labels may need to be specified if the choice is ambiguous).
Running the program without arguments will print out a summary of available
options, which are also listed below.
A summary tab will appear at the end of the run with peak counts, plus output
files and buttons to view them.
By default the program will write a PDB file containing up to five "chains",
all with atoms labeled UNK:
- A: mFo-DFc peaks (positive).
- B: mFo-DFc holes (negative)
- C: anomalous map peaks
- D: waters in mFo-DFc peaks
- E: waters in anomalous peaks
The program will also write the 2mFo-DFc, mFo-DFc, and anomalous (if available)
maps. Additional tabs will display each type of result in a list;
clicking these items will recenter the view in Coot and/or PyMOL on the
selected point.
List of all find_peaks_holes keywords
Legend: black bold - scope names
black - parameter names
red - parameter values
blue - parameter help
blue bold - scope help
Parameter values:
* means selected parameter (where multiple choices are available)
False is No
True is Yes
None means not provided, not predefined, or left up to the program
"%3d" is a Python style formatting descriptor
map_cutoff= 3.0
anom_map_cutoff= 3.0
wavelength= None Optional parameter, if defined this will cause all atoms to
be treated as anomalous scatterers using the standard Sasaki table
to obtain theoretical fp and fpp values. Only really useful if the
Phaser LLG map is being used for the anomalous map.
filter_peaks_by_2fofc= None If this is set, peaks outside 2mFo-DFc density at
the cutoff will be discarded. (This does not apply to
the analysis of solvent atoms.) Holes will not be
use_phaser_if_available= True If True, and Phaser is installed and configured,
an anomalous LLG map will be used in place of the
simple anomalous difference map. The wavelength
should be specified for this to be maximally useful.
write_pdb= True
write_maps= True
output_file_prefix= peaks_holes
job_title= None Job title in PHENIX GUI, not used on command line
sequence= None
skip_twin_detection= False
scattering_table= wk1995 it1992 *n_gaussian neutron
xray_data Scope of X-ray data and free-R flags
file_name= None
labels= None
high_resolution= None
low_resolution= None
outliers_rejection= True Remove basic wilson outliers , extreme wilson
outliers , and beamstop shadow outliers
french_wilson_scale= True
sigma_fobs_rejection_criterion= None
sigma_iobs_rejection_criterion= None
ignore_all_zeros= True
force_anomalous_flag_to_be_equal_to= None
max_bins= 60 Maximum number of resolution bins
min_bin_size= 40 Minimum number of reflections per bin
file_name= None This is normally the same as the file containing Fobs
and is usually selected automatically.
label= None
test_flag_value= None This value is usually selected automatically -
do not change unless you really know what you're
ignore_r_free_flags= False Use all reflections in refinement (work
and test)
disable_suitability_test= False
ignore_pdb_hexdigest= False If True, disables safety check based on
MD5 hexdigests stored in PDB files produced by
previous runs.
generate= False Generate R-free flags (if not available in input
fraction= 0.1
max_free= 2000
lattice_symmetry_max_delta= 5
use_lattice_symmetry= True
use_dataman_shells= False Used to avoid biasing of the test set by
certain types of non-crystallographic symmetry.
n_shells= 20
file_name= None Model file(s) name (PDB)
file_name= None Monomer file(s) name (CIF)
use_sigma_scaled_maps= True Default is sigma scaled map, map in absolute
scale is used otherwise.
resolution_factor= 1./4.
max_number_of_peaks= None
min_model_peak_dist= 1.8
max_model_peak_dist= 6.0
min_peak_peak_dist= 1.8
use_hydrogens= False
peak_search_level= 1
max_peaks= 0
interpolate= True
min_distance_sym_equiv= None
general_positions_only= False
min_cross_distance= 1.8
min_cubicle_edge= 5