Importing structures from the PDB
- Using the PHENIX GUI
- Command-line use
- Output
Unlike most other reflection formats, the CIF files used by the PDB to store
experimental data are not supported for direct input to PHENIX.
phenix.cif_as_mtz is a simple utility for importing these files, and can
automatically identify and fix several errors common in the PDB, such as
incorrectly labeled intensities in place of amplitudes. Unfortunately, many
structures fail to parse properly, so this tool is not guaranteed to work in
all cases.
Using the PHENIX GUI
Open the main GUI and click "Import CIF structure factors" under the
"Reflection tools" category. Only the CIF file is required, but a PDB file
will often be necessary to obtain the correct symmetry information. Click
"Use model to guess data type" if you want PHENIX to do a sanity check on
the labeled amplitudes (which may not really be amplitudes!).
If you know the PDB ID but haven't downloaded the necessary files yet, you
can simply enter the ID into the box in the upper right corner and click "Run",
and the PDB and CIF files will be fetched automatically from the RCSB web
Command-line use
The output of phenix.cif_as_mtz without arguments is show below:
Usage: phenix.cif_as_mtz [reflection_cif_file] [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
External unit cell parameters
External space group symbol
--symmetry=FILENAME External file with symmetry information
Output mtz file name.
Use PDB model to make better guess about reflection
data type.
Extract data set with given wavelength_id.
Extract data set with given crystal_id.
Show data details for some errors.
--show-log Show some output.
--merge Merge non-unique data (preserves anomalous pairs)
Remove systematic absences
--map_to_asu Map HKL indices to canonical asymmetric unit
When merging place reflections with incompatible
flags into the working set.
Example: phenix.cif_as_mtz r1o9ksf.ent --symmetry=pdb1o9k.ent
The --symmetry argument is frequently required due to missing symmetry
information; in these cases you should use the equivalent PDB file. Most of
the other options are usually not necessary, but --use-model is often
helpful to get the data type right.
As a shortcut to download the files from the RCSB (or mirror) website, PHENIX
includes a tool for fetching data for a given PDB code:
phenix.fetch_pdb 2hr0
phenix.fetch_pdb -x 2hr0
The argument "-x" specifies that the structure factors should be downloaded
instead of the PDB file. (This will only work if the authors deposited their
Assuming that the data were successfully extracted, the program will create an
MTZ file with columns FOBS, SIGFOBS (these will be treated as group by most
applications in PHENIX), and R-free-flags. In many cases there will be fewer
reflections in the output than data lines in the CIF file; this is due to
the presence of non-numeric or otherwise unintelligible values.