compute various arrays such as Fcalc, Fmask, Fmodel, Fbulk, and more.
- Inputs:
- File with reflection data (Fobs or Iobs), R-free flags, and optionally HL
coefficients. It can be in most of known formats and spread across
multiple files;
- label(s) selecting which reflection data arrays should be used (in case
there are multiple choices in input file, there is no need to provide labels
- Model file (PDB or mmCIF) with input model.
- Usage examples:
- phenix.reciprocal_space_arrays model.pdb data.hkl f_obs_label="IOBS"
- phenix.reciprocal_space_arrays model.pdb data.hkl r_free_flags_label="FREE"
- Output:
MTZ file with data arrays. Depending on the input data, the following arrays
may be present:
- FOBS : data from input reflection file
- SIGFOBS : corresponding sigmas
- R_FREE_FLAGS : R-free flags (0 - work, 1 - test)
- FMODEL : total model structure factor. See phenix.fmodel for details
- PHIFMODEL : corresponding phases
- FCALC : Fcalc from atomic model
- PHIFCALC : corresponding phases
- FMASK : Fmask from bulk-solvent mask. See phenix.fmodel for details
- PHIFMASK : corresponding phases
- FBULK : bulk-solvent contribution. See phenix.fmodel for details
- PHIFBULK : corresponding phases
- FB_CART : overall anisotropic scale factor
- FOM : figures of merit
- ALPHA : ML parameter used in m&D calculation for 2mFo-DFc maps
- BETA : ML parameter used in m&D calculation for 2mFo-DFc maps
- HLA : HL coefficients from from input reflection file
- HLB : HL coefficients from from input reflection file
- HLC : HL coefficients from from input reflection file
- HLD : HL coefficients from from input reflection file
- HLmodelA : HL coefficients from the model (C=D=0)
- HLmodelB : HL coefficients from the model (C=D=0)
- HLmodelC : HL coefficients from the model (C=D=0)
- HLmodelD : HL coefficients from the model (C=D=0)
- HLcombA : combined HL: model + input
- HLcombB : combined HL: model + input
- HLcombC : combined HL: model + input
- HLcombD : combined HL: model + input
- RESOLUTION : resolution per reflection
Default params:
hkl_file = None
pdb_file = None
f_obs_label = None
r_free_flags_label = None
remove_f_obs_outliers = True
bulk_solvent_and_scaling = True
hendrickson_lattman_coefficients_label = None
output_file_name = None
space_group = None
unit_cell = None
job_title = None