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Structure factor file manipulations with Xmanip
PurposeManipulation of reflection data and models UsageCommand line interfacexmanip can be invoked via the command line interface with instructions given in a specific definition file: phenix.xmanip params.defThe full set of definitions can be obtained by typing: phenix.xmanipwhich results in:: xmanip { input { unit_cell = None space_group = None xray_data { file_name = None labels = None label_appendix = None name = None write_out = None } model { file_name = None } } parameters { action = reindex manipulate_pdb *manipulate_miller reindex { standard_laws = niggli *reference_setting invert user_supplied user_supplied_law = "h,k,l" } manipulate_miller { task = get_dano get_diso lsq_scale sfcalc *custom None output_label_root = "FMODEL" get_dano { input_data = None } get_diso { native = None derivative = None use_intensities = True use_weights = True scale_weight = True } lsq_scale { input_data_1 = None input_data_2 = None use_intensities = True use_weights = True scale_weight = True } sfcalc { fobs = None output = *2mFo-DFc mFo-DFc complex_fcalc abs_fcalc intensities use_bulk_and_scale = *as_estimated user_upplied bulk_and_scale_parameters { d_min = 2 overall { b_cart { b_11 = 0 b_22 = 0 b_33 = 0 b_12 = 0 b_13 = 0 b_23 = 0 } k_overall = 0.1 } solvent { k_sol = 0.3 b_sol = 56 } } } custom{ code = print >> out, "hello world" } } manipulate_pdb{ task = apply_operator *set_b apply_operator{ operator = "x,y,z" invert=False concatenate_model=False chain_id_increment=1 } set_b{ b_iso = 30 } } } output { logfile = "xmanip.log" hklout = "xmanip.mtz" xyzout = "xmanip.pdb" } }Detailed explanation of the scopes follow below. Parameters and definitionsThe xmanip.input scope defines which files and which data xmanip reads in:: input { unit_cell = None # unit cell. Specify when not in reflection or pdb files space_group = None # space group. Specify when not in reflection or pdb files xray_data { file_name = None # File from which data will be read labels = None # Labels to read in. label_appendix = None # Label appendix: when writing out the new mtz file, this appendix will be added to the current label. name = None # A data set name. Useful for manipulation write_out = None # Determines if this data set will be written to the final mtz file } model { file_name = None # An input pdb file } }One can define as many sub-scopes of xray_data as desired (see examples). The specific tasks of xmanip are controlled by the xmanip.parameters.action key. Possible options are:
ExamplesReindexing a data set and model :: xmanip { input { xray_data { file_name = mydata.mtz labels = FOBS,SIGFOBS write_out = True } xray_data { file_name = mydata.mtz labels = R_FREE_FLAG write_out = True } model { file_name = mymodel.pdb } } parameters { action = reindex reindex { standard_laws = *niggli user_supplied_law = "h,k,l" } } output { logfile = "xmanip.log" hklout = "reindex.mtz" xyzout = "reindex.pdb" } } Applying a symmetry operator to a pdb file :: xmanip { input { model { file_name = mymodel.pdb } } parameters { action = manipulate_pdb manipulate_pdb { task = apply_operator apply_operator{ operator = "x+1/3,y-2/3,z+1/8" } } } output { logfile = "xmanip.log" xyzout = "shifted.pdb" } } Printing out some useful information for an mtz file :: xmanip { input { xray_data { file_name = mydata.mtz labels = FOBS,SIGFOBS name = fobs } } parameters { action = custom custom{ code = """ print >> out, "Printing d_spacings, epsilons and intensities" #change amplitude to intensities fobs = fobs.f_as_f_sq() #get epsilons epsilons = fobs.epsilons().data().as_double() #get d spacings d_hkl = fobs.d_spacings().data() #print the lot to a file output_file = open("jiffy_result.txt", 'w') for ii, eps, dd in zip( fobs.data(), epsilons, d_hkl): print >> output_file, ii, eps, dd print >> out, "Done" """ } } } Possible ProblemsLiteratureAdditional informationList of all xmanip keywords------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend: black bold - scope names black - parameter names red - parameter values blue - parameter help blue bold - scope help Parameter values: * means selected parameter (where multiple choices are available) False is No True is Yes None means not provided, not predefined, or left up to the program "%3d" is a Python style formatting descriptor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmanip input unit_cell= None Unit cell parameters space_group= None space group xray_data Scope defining xray data. Multiple scopes are allowed file_name= None file name labels= None A unique label or unique substring of a label label_appendix= None Label appendix for output mtz file name= None An identifier of this particular miller array write_out= None Determines if this data is written to the output file model A model associated with the miller arrays. Only one model can be defined. file_name= None A model file parameters action= *reindex manipulate_pdb manipulate_miller Defines which action will be carried out. reindex Reindexing parameters. Acts on coordinates and miller arrays. standard_laws= niggli *reference_setting primitive_setting invert user_supplied Choices of reindexing operators. Will be applied on structure and miller arrays. user_supplied_law= 'h,k,l' User supplied operator. manipulate_miller Acts on a single miller array or a set of miller arrays. task= *get_dano get_diso lsq_scale sfcalc custom None Possible tasks output_label_root= None Output label root get_dano Get ||F+| - |F-|| from input data. input_data= None get_diso Get |Fder|-|Fnat| native= None Name of native data derivative= None Name of derivative data use_intensities= True Scale on intensities use_weights= True Use experimental sigmas as weights in scaling scale_weight= True Whether or not to scale the sigmas during scaling lsq_scale input_data_1= None Reference data input_data_2= None Data to be scaled use_intensities= True Scale on intensities use_weights= True Use experimental sigmas as weights in scaling scale_weight= True Whether or not to scale the sigmas during scaling sfcalc fobs= None Data name of observed data output= 2mFo-DFc mFo-DFc *complex_fcalc abs_fcalc intensities Output coefficients use_bulk_and_scale= *as_estimated user_upplied estimate or use parameters given by user bulk_and_scale_parameters Parameters used in the structure factor calculation. Ignored if experimental data is given d_min= 2.0 resolution of the data to be calculated. overall Bulk solvent and scaling parameters k_overall= 0.1 Overall scalar b_cart Anisotropic B values b_11= 0 b_22= 0 b_33= 0 b_12= 0 b_13= 0 b_23= 0 solvent Solvent parameters k_sol= 0.3 Solvent scale b_sol= 56.0 Solvent B custom A custom script that uses miller_array data names as variables. code= None A piece of python code show_instructions= True Some instructions manipulate_pdb Manipulate elements of a pdb file task= set_b apply_operator *None How to manipulate a pdb file set_b b_iso= 30 new B value for all atoms apply_operator standard_operators= *user_supplied_operator user_supplied_cartesian_rotation_matrix Possible operators user_supplied_operator= "x,y,z" Actualy operator in x,y,z notation invert= False Invert operator given above before applying on coordinates concatenate_model= False Determines if new chain is concatenated to old model chain_id_increment= 1 Cain id increment user_supplied_cartesian_rotation_matrix Rotation,translation matrix in cartesian frame r= None Rotational part of operator t= None Translational part of operator output Output files logfile= xmanip.log Logfile hklout= xmanip.mtz Ouptut miller indices and data xyzout= xmanip.pdb output PDB file |