cablam_validate: Christopher Williams (Richardson Lab, Duke University)
CaBLAM stands for C-Alpha Based Low-resolution Annotation Method. It is a system designed to use protein CA geometry to evaluate mainchain geometry and identify areas of probable secondary structure. CaBLAM is intended for use in low-resolution structures where compound errors or ambiguities in a model may make the results of highly-sensitive measures of protein conformation, such as Ramachandran analysis, difficult or impossible to interpret.
For each residue, cablam_validate calculates several measures based on CA geometry. It uses these measures as coordinates for comparison against contours of expected protein behavior derived from a high-quality dataset (Top8000). Residues that fall outside these contours are considered outliers and are reported in validation feedback.
cablam_validate also compares local CA geometry measures which are robust at low resolution against contours of expected secondary structure behavior. Residues that fall within these secondary structure contours are reported as probable members of that secondary structure type.
CaBLAM validation is currently run from the commandline. It accepts a .pdb file (or a structure file that phenix finds similarly readable.)
phenix.cablam_validate file.pdb output=[choice of: full_kin, kin, ca_kin, oneline, text, points]
Several output modes are available.
output=full_kin gives the most comprehensive validation output, recommended for general use. It generates two automatically named files in the working directory: file_cablam_multi.kin and file_cablam_multi.pdb, then opens these files together in a phenix.king window. The .kin file contains CaBLAM markup for mild (0.05) and severe (0.01) CaBLAM outliers and for CA geometry outliers. The .pdb file contains the original model, plus HELIX and SHEET-style records for secondary structure elements identified by CaBLAM. The KiNG window combines this feedback into a single, interactive format.
output=kin prints a markup kinemage to screen. This markup should be appended to a kinemage of the structure (such as a multi-criterion kinemage generated by phenix.kinemage). The markup consists of a set of colored lines drawn over each residue identified as an outlier. The lines follow the path of one of CaBLAM's geometric measures, a measure of the dihedral relationship between adjacent peptide planes. Among the CaBLAM measures, this is the dihedral most likely to be modeled incorrectly at low resolution.
output=ca_kin outlier_cutoff=0.005 prints a markup kinemage for C-Alpha geometry to screen. This markup should be appended to a kinemage of the structure (such as a multi-criterion kinemage generated by phenix.kinemage). CaBLAM is dependent on CA geometry, so it is necessary to know where that geometry is unreliable. The markup consists of red lines drawn along the CA Virtual Angle for each residue with a CA geometry outlier, but the virtual angle is not necessarily the angle at fault. Note that the outlier_cutoff must be set differently from its default to get meaningful results.
output=oneline prints a single line summary of CaBLAM statistics for each of the submitted proteins. Sample output follows:
pdbid:residues:peptide_outlier_percent:peptide_bad_outlier_percent:ca_outlier_percent 3dnd:340:4.4:0.6:0.00
output=text is the default. This provides columnated, comma-separated records for each outlier residue. Sample output follows:
residue,contour_level,loose_alpha,regular_alpha,loose_beta,regular_beta,threeten THR A 37 ,0.01437,0.00000,0.00000,0.02612,0.00000,0.00000 PHE A 54 ,0.01350,0.00027,0.00000,0.00109,0.00000,0.00000 ASN A 99 ,0.04785,0.00000,0.00000,0.12777,0.04921,0.00000 ASN A 115 ,0.04685,0.04231,0.00000,0.00011,0.00000,0.00000 GLY A 136 ,0.03689,0.00013,0.00000,0.00595,0.00000,0.00000
output=points prints to screen a dotlist of points in kinemage format to produce a pointcloud of outlier residues in CaBLAM space. Primarily a developer tool.
output=records prints to screen HELIX and SHEET-style records for secondary structure elements identified by CaBLAM. Formatting for these records is not yet totally consistent with PDB standard, but will be brought into closer adherence over time.
CaBLAM validation is not currently available through the phenix.refine GUI, but will be available on a future iteration of the validation tab.
Tools for exploring known structures are available through