Trimming overlapping parts of a model
- trim_overlapping: Tom Terwilliger
Remove parts of a model that overlap with another model. Useful if you have
a good model for part of the your structure and you want to add in only the new
parts from another model. This can be the case if you have a good
AlphaFold2 model for most of your structure and a possibly overlapping model
from another source.
How trim_overlapping works:
The trim_overlapping tool identifies all the residues in your model that have
a CA (or P for nucleic acids) atom close to one in the model to avoid. The
cutoff distance is typically 3 A for proteins and is adjustable. If the
remaining residues lead to short segments, those segments are removed too. The
shortest segment to keep is also adjustable.
Standard run of trim_overlapping:
Running trim_overlapping is easy. From the command-line you can type:
phenix.trim_overlapping my_model.pdb model_to_avoid.pdb
This will trim my_model.pdb to avoid model_to_avoid and write out
Possible Problems
Specific limitations and problems:
Additional information
List of all available keywords
- job_title = None Job title in PHENIX GUI, not used on command line
- input_files
- model = None Input PDB file to trim
- model_selection = None If specified, only consider selected part of model
- model_to_avoid = None Input PDB file to not overlap
- model_to_avoid_selection = None If specified, only avoid selected part of model_to_avoid
- output_files
- trimmed_model_prefix = None Output files with superposed models will begin with this prefix
- trim_overlapping
- min_dist = 5 Remove residues within this distance of target model
- minimum_fragment_length = 7 Minimum length of a segment after trimming (toss if shorter)
- unique_chain_id = None Unique chain ID not present in models. Used internally
- control
- write_files = True Write output files
- guiGUI-specific parameter required for output directory