The program reads a CCP4 (MRC) formatted map and converts it into structure factors.
Output: mtz file containing
- Fourier transform of input map: complex array (F, PHIF) of given (d_min) resolution
- Array of amplitudes F (F_ampl) and phases as HL coefficients
If the map has an origin that is not (0,0,0), by default that origin is preserved in the output mtz file (if you create a map from the output map coefficients, that map will superimpose on the input map).
You can adjust the origin of the output map with the keywords:
- keep_origin=False: this will shift the origin to (0,0,0)
- output_origin_grid_units=100,100,100: this will shift the origin to
- (100,100,100)
Contact author
For questions, bug reports, feature requests: Pavel Afonine (
Command line usage examples:
% phenix.map_to_structure_factors map.ccp4 d_min=3
Current limitations:
X-plor formatted map files are not supported.