Structure_search is a tool to quickly identify structural and/or sequence homologs of the input PDB file from the Protein Data Bank. It uses the SARST algorithm, and it's very fast. A typical search time against the whole PDB is usually less than one second. There is an option to allow users to obtain a list of ligands found in PDB structures of those homologs.
- Identify and superpose homologous pdbs of mypdb.pdb
- phenix.structure_search mypdb.pdb
- obtain a list of homologs of mypdb.pdb and all ligands found in structures of those homologs
- phenix.structure_search mypdb.pdb get_ligand=True
- Use a local PDB mirror and obtain superposed homologs of mypdb.pdb
- phenix.structure_search mypdb.pdb PDB_MIRRORDIR=/path/to/pdb_mirror/top-level
More information can be found in input/Output files sections below:
required input:
- pdb_file: the file containing the protein model of interest.
- By default, structure_search will search structure and sequence homologs of the input PDB file.
Optional inputs :
- get_ligand:"=True" if want a list of ligands found in homologous PDBs, Default = False.
- job_title: current job title
- output_prefix: prefix for output files if needed.
- get_pdb:Collect and superpose the top N homologous pdbs (default=10).
- coot_display: Display superposed pdb files in coot. [default=(False/True) as E-value(>/<)1E-18].
- sequence_only:"=False" Perform only sequence search against PDB database using Phenix' internal DB.
- structure_only: Perform only structure search against PDB database using the SARST method.
- PDB_MIRRORDIR: Set option to use local PDB mirror instead of using RCSB server. See 'Using Local PDB mirror' section.
Lo WC, Huang PJ, Chang CH, Lyu PC. BMC Bioinformatics. 2007, 8:307