Creating a local resolution map with local_resolution
- local_resolution: Tom Terwilliger
The routine local_resolution is a tool for creating a local resolution
map showing the local resolution of a cryo-EM map and having the same
gridding as the cryo-EM map
Usage and how local_resolution works:
Local resolution is calculated in small boxes cut out from the cryo-EM map,
where the density near the edges of each box is masked so that it gradually
diminishes to zero at the edges. Then the values of local resolution are
smoothed and placed at grid points of a full-size map matching the original
The local resolution map can be used to color a map in display programs
such as ChimeraX. In ChimeraX you can simply load in your original map and the
local resolution map and then specify:
color sample #1 map #2 palette rainbow
to color map #1 based on the resolution values in map #2.
Procedure used by local_resolution
The basic inputs to local_resolution are:
Two unmasked half-maps
Optional inputs are:
nominal resolution
Standard run of local_resolution:
You can use local_resolution to get the local resolution in a cryo-EM map:
phenix.local_resolution half_map_A.mrc half_map_B.mrc
Possible Problems
If the half-maps are not actually independent the procedure will not work well
Specific limitations and problems:
Additional information
List of all available keywords
- job_title = None Job title in PHENIX GUI, not used on command line
- input_files
- map_model
- full_map = None Input full map file
- half_map = None Input half map files
- model = None Input model file
- output
- local_resolution_map = default Local resolution map file name
- full_map = default Full map file name. Same as input full map if supplied, otherwise result of default run of local_aniso_sharpen on half maps
- overwrite = True Overwrite files with same names
- file_name = None Not used
- filename = None Not used
- serial = None Not used
- local_resolution
- n_bins = 2000 Number of bins for analyses
- min_bin_width = 20 Minimum number of Fourier coefficients per bin. Overrides value of n_bins.
- max_resolution_ratio = 4 Maximum resolution as ratio to minimum. Maximum resolution will be truncated at this value
- n_boxes = None Number of boxes
- box_size_grid_units = None Size of core region of boxes (not including region where mask is applied, in grid units
- crystal_info
- resolution = None Nominal resolution of map
- control
- multiprocessing = *multiprocessing sge lsf pbs condor pbspro slurm Choices are multiprocessing (single machine) or queuing systems Not implemented
- queue_run_command = None run command for queue jobs. For example qsub. Not implemented
- nproc = 1 Number of processors to use. NOTE: by default multiple processors will only be used in the map-to-model step (this is because multiprocessing requires writing out nproc sets of huge files and it can be very slow with distributed queues.). You can override this with force_nproc = True.
- guiGUI-specific parameter required for output directory