Running Phenix regression tests



It is important to run regression tests any time a change is made in the Phenix code to make sure that the change does not break something that is already written.

Also regression tests can be used by users to make sure everything is working correctly.


Regression tests are located in many places in the Phenix and CCTBX codebase. They are typically either in subdirectories called regression or in the phenix_regression directory, or are specified in a file that can be anywhere in the CCTBX codebase.

Regression tests for GUI programs are created specifically for each program and can be run as a group in the GUI. These tests and their setup is described in Setting up GUI tests).

Running regression tests

You can run all the regression tests (usually on a machine with many processors) with a simple command:

phenix_regression.test_all_parallel nproc=96

There are some simple keywords that you might want to add to this:

sort:  sort the tests by timings, run the longest ones first
git:   identify all tests that use any files that are changed in the git

tests_to_run="xx,yy":  Run only tests that include the words "xx" or "yy"
tests_to_skip="aa bb":  Skip any tests that include the words "aa" or bb"

These keywords can be combined:

phenix_regression.test_all_parallel nproc=96 sort tests_to_run=refine