Install Cryo_fit


[prerequisite] Install Phenix

Cryo_fit will be installed in your Phenix environment. Make sure you have Phenix installed and sourced. For Phenix installation, see installation notes for Phenix

1. Download Cryo_fit installer

Cryo_fit can be run on Linux or macOS computers. Please download

Cryo_fit installer for Linux or Cryo_fit installer for macOS

2. Install Cryo_fit

Unzip the installer file, change to the extracted directory, and type ./install<enter>. That's it. Please ensure that your account has 'write' privilege in your Phenix directory, or try 'sudo -E ./install' if you have sudo access.

As a sequence of commands to execute (assuming the installer file is ""):

cd Cryo_fit-Linux

At the end of installation, please follow the prompt to setup the path before starting Cryo_fit.

4. Run Cryo_fit

If you are in a Phenix session, please close and re-launch Phenix. You are now ready to run Cryo_fit in GUI or in command line.

6. Test run (optional)

You may want to know more about Cryo_fit. Try a test run! See the cryo_fit tutorial