Setting up tests that can run automatically in the Phenix GUI



These tests can be used to make sure that programs in the GUI can run properly. They can also be used as an introduction to running in the GUI as they are all preset to run.


The GUI_TESTS directory has a set of subdirectories (CRYSTALS_A...) that can be imported as projects into the Phenix GUI. Once in the GUI, all the unique jobs in a project can be run sequentially with the "Auto-run all unique jobs" function.

Updating the GUI tests

New projects can be added to the GUI_TESTS directory by creating them in the Phenix GUI in an installation of GUI_TESTS. The existing and new projects can then be packaged into a new version of GUI_TESTS automatically. Additionally, new jobs can be run in an existing GUI_TESTS module and existing jobs can be deleted. On repackaging, the GUI_TESTS will reflect the state of these tests in the GUI that was worked on.

How to set up the tests

The tests are supplied with Phenix, but you have to install them and import them into the GUI to use them. Here is how:

Install the tests

Decide where you want to put the GUI_TESTS (in this example, ~/Downloads)

Go to the phenix_regression directory with GUI_TESTS (i.e.,
$PHENIX/modules/phenix_regression/gui/auto_run). If $PHENIX is not defined, you will need to type in the full path.
cd $PHENIX/modules/phenix_regression/gui/auto_run

To install in ~/Downloads, type:

./ ~/Downloads
This will install the GUI_TESTS directory with the right path names in

Start the Phenix GUI. You might want to do this from the command line instead of clicking an icon so that the log goes to the terminal window.

  • In the Phenix GUI: select "Import Project".
  • Navigate to your new GUI_TESTS directory, then to each subdirectory
    (CRYSTALS_A CRYSTALS_B, etc) and import each one individually.

Run a test

You are now ready to run one or all the tests. To run just one test:

  • In the Phenix GUI, select one of these projects (MODEL_A) and go to Job History.
  • Select any job and hit "restore" or double click it
  • The job will be restored and you can run it with "Run"

Run a group of tests

  • In the Phenix GUI, select one of these projects (MODEL_A) and go to Job History.
  • Hit "Auto-run all unique jobs"
  • The jobs will be run sequentially. Look for any errors.
    A few jobs will require clicking "OK" to go on. (It will stop and wait for your OK). It will also stop on most errors. Tests that cannot be run this way are in the ONE_BY_ONE project. For these, just reload the job and run it.

Modifying the GUI_TESTS jobs

You can modify the GUI_TESTS jobs in any way and save the new version in phenix_regression. Details below. Basically: install the GUI_TESTS, create new jobs, delete any jobs that you do not want saved, create new projects (must be subdirectories of the directory GUI_TESTS), whatever. Then package up the new version you have created with the instructions below, and commit it to the repository.

Details of modifying the GUI_TESTS jobs by creating a new set of tests

When you have a new installation that you would like to save, you can use the create_new_gui_tests_package.csh script in your GUI_TESTS directory. NOTE: Script is c-shell so it won't work on bash for now.

  1. Get into your GUI_TESTS directory:

2. Decide where your new installation package goes. The instructions here will put it in your ~/Downloads directory and you can copy it to your regression phenix_regression/gui/auto_run directory:

  1. Create a new installation package:
./create_new_gui_tests_package.csh ~/Downloads

cp ~/Downloads/GUI_TESTS.tgz $PHENIX/modules/phenix_regression/gui/auto_run/

This will overwrite the GUI_TESTS.tgz package in Downloads, and if you copy it, the one in you regression directory. You can put your new installation package anywhere you like.