Hi Graeme,

People at the forum mostly raised the issue of documentation, and the aim of my questionnaire is to find out starting points to improve it.
You could make a different topic for installation issues; or your own questionnaire. Disturbing this thread is counterproductive.



On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 2:30 AM Graeme.Winter@Diamond.ac.uk <Graeme.Winter@diamond.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi Dorothee

I suspect that the document lack is a big chunk, but the fact that you cannot easily add cctbx to your standard python installation via say pip is perhaps a bigger impediment

Telling people they can pip install makes for a low barrier

Telling them they have to chuck their existing set up and use special different python is a high one

And I keep getting told this at diamond!

Does not mean we should ignore document improvement, as that is much needed too

Best wishes Graeme

On 15 Aug 2019, at 20:05, Dorothee Liebschner <dcliebschner@lbl.gov<mailto:dcliebschner@lbl.gov>> wrote:

Hi everyone,

During this year's ECM computing school, it came up that the CCTBX does not have a lot of documentation. This seems to be a major reason why people don't use it, even if they would like to employ the libraries.
We would like to find out which parts of the CCTBX are the most interesting for users. We certainly cannot provide extensive documentation for the entire toolbox, but we can see what we can do once we know the main areas of interest.
So if you were in the situation of wanting to use the CCTBX but decided to stay away from it because the documentation was non-existent or obscure, please let us know by filling out the questionnaire below (it's anonymous):

questionnaire CCTBX documentation<https://forms.gle/9RawJFfHyEvhCVVP7>

Best wishes,


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Project Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
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Web: https://phenix-online.org