Hi everyone,

I would like to circulate the announcement of a new series of crystallography monographs entitled “SpringerBriefs in Crystallography” (https://www.springer.com/series/16236). Areas of interest include structural biology. The announcement below is on behalf of the editor-in-chief, Prof. M. Nespolo.

Best wishes,

Dorothee Liebschner
Series editor for biological crystallography, SpringerBriefs in Crystallography


Dear Colleagues,

It  is  my  pleasure  to  announce  the  launch  of  a  new  series of
crystallography   monographs   under   the  title  “SpringerBriefs in
Crystallography”.   They   cover   a   new   discipline   within   the
“SpringerBriefs”  collection,  which publishes concise monographs with
an intermediate scope

SpringerBriefs  already  covers  84  fields spanning a wide range from
natural  sciences to law, social sciences and more; crystallography is
now the 85th field.

The  new  series  is published under the auspices of the International
Union of Crystallography and all the manuscripts will be peer-reviewed
by  the  series editors, as well as external reviewers when necessary.
It  takes  an intermediate and so far uncovered place between articles
published by the IUCr journals and full monographs.

The   IUCr  publishes  several  types  of  articles  in  its  journals
•  Research Papers, which are full-length manuscripts that normally do
not exceed 15 journal pages (about 15 000 words);
•  Short  Communications,  for  the  presentation of topics of limited
scope or for preliminary announcements of novel research findings;
•  Lead  Articles,  authoritative,  comprehensive  and forward-looking
reviews of major areas of research interest (by invitation);
•  Feature  Articles,  focused  surveys covering recent advances in an
area  of  current  research, which do not aim to be comprehensive, and
are generally about ten journal pages (10 000 words);
•  Topical Reviews, which aim to capture the current trends of a field
and  are  expected  to  be  relatively  short  (about 6000 words and a
maximum  of 50 references, with half of those having been published in
the last three years);
•  Letters to the Editor, which may deal with non-technical aspects of
crystallography, its role, its propagation, the proper function of its
Societies etc.
•  Scientific  Commentaries,  which  discuss  articles  of  particular
importance for the readership of the journal.

Full  monographs  spanning  hundreds  of  pages  are  published in the
IUCr/OUP   monographs,   and   textbooks   in   the   IUCr/OUP   texts

SpringerBriefs   in   Crystallography   aims   at  publishing  shorter
monographs,  typically between 50 and 125 pages, where specific topics
are  dealt  with more in detail with respect to what one could do in a
Lead  Article  or Topical Review, in particular with a more pronounced
accent   on  the  background.  Also,  more  space  is  given  to  some
fundamentals  which  would not find place in a Lead Article or Topical
Review,  with  the  aim  of  providing  the  reader a more pedagogical
introduction  (whenever suitable) without the need to look for it in a
separate  text.  Publications in this series help support the Outreach
and  Education  Fund  for  the  International Union of Crystallography

The   website   of   the  new  series  is  available  at  the  address
https://www.springer.com/series/16236,  where you find more details as
well  as  the responsible editor contact information, who upon request
can  provide  you  with a proposal form. On submission the responsible
editor  will  then forward it to the series editors for discussion and

Please,  feel  free to forward this information to your colleagues who
may be interested in publishing a monograph in this series.

Project Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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