I'll try...
But, my concern is, when I tried to install the same version in my
workstation it worked cool.
Is this some sort of issue with my laptop ?
Nightly builds are beta right ? Won't it cause any stability issue ?
On Nov 1, 2016 3:07 PM,
Have you tried one of the recent nightly builds or the centos5 version?
Sent from my Windows 10 phone -- Robert Oeffner, Ph.D. Research Associate, The Read Group Department of Haematology, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research University of Cambridge Cambridge Biomedical Campus Wellcome Trust/MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY
www.cimr.cam.ac.uk/investigators/read/index.html tel: +44(0)1223 763234 mobile: +44(0)7712 887162
*From: *abhisek Mondal
*Sent: *01 November 2016 07:39 *To: *[email protected] *Subject: *[phenixbb] phenix fails to configure on fedora 20 Hi,
I'm using Fedora 20 on a 4 core laptop. When I tried to install phenix it gave following error.
Same version installed fine in my workstation but keep failing here.
Please help me out here.
*[root@viralhost phenix-installer-1.10.1-2155-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6]# ./install *
* ==========================================================================*
* Phenix Installation*
* version: 1.10.1-2155*
* machine type: intel-linux-2.6*
* OS version: 3.19.8-100.fc20.i686*
* destination: /usr/local/phenix-1.10.1-2155*
* # of processors: 4*
* =========================================================================*
*Configuring Phenix components...*
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "./bin/install.py", line 262, in <module>*
* installer(sys.argv[1:]).install()*
* File "/home/abhisek/phenix-installer-1.10.1-2155-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/lib/libtbx/auto_build/install_distribution.py", line 185, in install*
* self.install_from_binary()*
* File "/home/abhisek/phenix-installer-1.10.1-2155-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/lib/libtbx/auto_build/install_distribution.py", line 295, in install_from_binary*
* self.reconfigure(log=log)*
* File "/home/abhisek/phenix-installer-1.10.1-2155-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/lib/libtbx/auto_build/install_distribution.py", line 460, in reconfigure*
* call(args=args, log=log, verbose=self.options.verbose)*
* File "/home/abhisek/phenix-installer-1.10.1-2155-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/lib/libtbx/auto_build/installer_utils.py", line 81, in call*
* raise RuntimeError("Call to '%s' failed with exit code %d" % (args, rc))*
*RuntimeError: Call to '/usr/local/phenix-1.10.1-2155/base/bin/python /usr/local/phenix-1.10.1-2155/modules/cctbx_project/libtbx/configure.py --current_working_directory /usr/local/phenix-1.10.1-2155/build --command_version_suffix 1.10.1-2155 phenix phaser solve_resolve labelit' failed with exit code 126*
Abhisek Mondal
*Research Fellow*
*Structural Biology and Bioinformatics Division*
*CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology*
*Kolkata 700032*