Hi Phenix-ers, I thought to ask for something that I believe you have already implemented, but I'm not sure of the best tool to use. I have a cryoEM map where I refine my "high resolution" structure. I also have the 3D variability of this map that shows several maps varying around the consensus high-res map. I want to refine an ensemble (20) of structures, one for every 20 maps around the consensus map. Is there a tool in phenix to do this? I could refine individually the high-res structure into each map incrementally; since every map differs a little from the original one, Real-space-refinement could move the structure a little at a time. Then I could combine all the PDBs in an ensemble? A tool to refine variability would be very useful. Input could be a PDB and an ensemble of maps, and output would be all the PDBs combined? Thank you. All the best Vincent -- Vincent Chaptal, PhD Director of GdR APPICOM Drug Resistance and Membrane Proteins Lab MMSB -UMR5086 7 passage du Vercors 69007 LYON FRANCE +33 4 37 65 29 01 http://www.appicom.cnrs.fr http://mmsb.cnrs.fr/en/