1 Jun
1 Jun
6:45 p.m.
On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Susan Tsutakawa
Continuing the conversation on looking at Phenix maps in pymol, what is the best way to generate .xplor maps in Autobuild. I would like to generate a figure in pymol with an omit map. I wasn't able to find documentation explicitly stating how this can be done.
Okay, starting tomorrow (or whenever the next installer is ready): phenix.mtz2map resolve_composite_map.mtz You can specify a PDB file if you want it to create the map around your molecule (or a selection thereof) instead of the unit cell. It is tailored for RESOLVE and phenix.refine map coefficients, which have fairly well-defined column labels; others should work too, but it may be clumsier. -Nat